The Interview

"Happy birthday Lorna!" Lorna's aunt said to her at her 18th birthday party.

Lorna's entire family have come round to her dad's house to celebrate, lots of uncles and aunts, cousins, everyone she was related to was here.

A one point of the night, her dad started to give his speech, saying how proud he is of his youngest, while Lorna's two older brothers' were watching.

"If your mother was still with us, I know she would be as proud of you as I am." My father said which brought a tear to her eye. Lorna's mother had passed away two years ago and her dad has had a hard time ever since. Trying to pay for his three kids and himself on just this salary.

Going up to hug her dad, he told her how much he loved her.

It was midnight by the time that everyone had gone, it was now just Lorna, my two brothers and their father sat in the living room chatting.

"So Lorna, what are your plans now that you're 18?" Mark, their eldest brother asked.

"I am going to get a job straight away, help dad a little." Lorna said.

Both her brothers were at university but living at home, so Lorna wanted to help with the income in any way she can.

"You don't need to worry about that." Her father said, smiling at his daughter.

"It's okay dad, I want to help." She told him.

"Right, I'm off to bed." James, the other brother said.

All the family said goodnight and Lorna eventually was sat in her bed on her phone looking at available jobs. She had no intention of going to university and just wanted to start a career.

After a while and hearing the mass amount of snoring throughout the house, Lorna thought she would quickly masturbate before going to sleep.

Putting her hand down her thin, silk shorts, her pussy was already wet when she closed her eyes and started to rub her clit.

Lorna was a virgin, but that hasn't stopped her watching porn and imagining what it was like to be with a man. She wasn't against having sex, she has just never had a boyfriend and didn't want to lose it to a random guy.

Rubbing her clit faster, the images of being on her hands and knees, a big, strong man behind her fucking her popper into her head.

Lorna's breathing started to get heavier and heavier, her chest and her D cup breasts rising as she got closer and closer to her orgasm. The thought of feeling a real man fucking her sending her crazy. Although she has never done anything with a guy, Lorna knew she had a kinky side, loving the idea of letting a man fuck her like crazy.

"Fuuuuckkk." Lorna whispered trying to hold in her moaning as an orgasm shook her entire body, grabbing onto her left boob as she tensed up and enjoyed herself.

After she was finished cumming, Lorna put her phone on to charge and drifted off to sleep.

Over the next two weeks Lorna had applied for dozens of jobs and never got anything back. Her CV was empty and only had in her exam results in, they were good but nothing amazing. She just needed someone to take the chance on her and give her an opportunity.

"No luck today honey?" Her father asked when he got back from his work as an electrician.

"No, not today." Lorna sulked on the sofa, turning off the TV to start cooking dinner for the family.

"Don't worry my angel, you will get a job soon. Just keep trying." Her father said patting his daughter on the back.

"Thanks dad." Lorna said as she continued to cook.

The next day, she had an email in response to her CV. It was an offer of an interview as an admin for a law company.

To say she was excited was an understatement! Her father helped her dress smart, in a black skirt and a white blouse. Lorna looked into the mirror and gave herself a pep talk.

"You've got this! Be confident and smart, you will get this job!"

Her father drove her to the interview, not being able to afford a car herself even though she had a licence.

In the interview, she was being talked to by a woman called Mrs James.

"So, Lorna. What would make you a good Admin?"

Lorna thought of her answer, finally replying.

"I am very organised. I help my father pretty much run the house. I am neat and have a keen eye for detail." She said, happy with her response.

"Good, and you can get here on time every day? We need someone who is punctual and reliable." Mrs James asked.

"Yes of course, I will never be late and I never get sick." Lorna replied, desperate to please.

After another hour of the interview, Lorna's heart stopped when Mrs James offered her the job!

"Thank you so much Mrs James! You won't regret this, I will work so hard!" Lorna said jumping up and shaking the woman's hand.

"You are welcome, I will see you Monday?" Mrs James asked.

"Of course, see you then!" Lorna said and then left the office.

She pretty much jumped into her father's car and screamed.


"That's amazing! We have to celebrate!" Her dad said.

"What do you want to do?" Lorna asked, over the moon with finally getting a job.

"Why don't we go out for a meal, just us?" Her father asked, smiling at his daughter.

"Perfect!" Lorna replied.

Her father drove them to a local restaurant where they ate, the whole time her father said how proud he was of her. Eventually he asked.

"So, do you know what money you will be on?"

Lorna completely forgot to ask that question, so told her father.

"I'm not sure, but I will find out on Monday!"

When the bill came, Lorna could tell her father was worried about how much it cost which filled her with guilt. Not wanting to be any more of a burden on her dad.

Her father smiled back at her, paid the bill and eventually they went home.

Back in her bed, Lorna text and called all of her friends with the good news! They were all ecstatic for her and decided to go out in a couple of weeks to celebrate.

The First Meet


Lorna was at work thirty minutes early, excited and ready to start her job.

Mrs James came in and smiled at the young girl, letting her into the building and spending the morning showing her the ropes of what her job will involve.

It wasn't anything too difficult for Lorna, uploading spreadsheets, updating documents and speaking to clients and arranging meetings. For someone as organised as Lorna it was easy.

It was a week later on a Tuesday, Lorna was at her desk updating a spreadsheet when someone walked to her desk and coughing to get her attention.

Looking up from her laptop, she saw a beautiful man stood over her. He was definitely over 6 foot, short and smart black hair, a shaved face with a handsome smile and he looked to be built well, although it was hard to tell because he was in what looked like a very expensive suit.

"Hi." He said.

"Hi." Lorna replied, stuttering by looking at this gorgeous man. Then bringing herself back to reality she asked him, "How can I help?"

The man let out a little laugh which sent butterflies through Lorna's stomach.

"I am David Michaels, I have been off on holiday and I believe you have been organising my meetings for my return?"

David Michaels, I know him! Lorna thought. Remembering that he is one of the top lawyers for the company and that she has indeed been sorting out his calendar for the last week.

"Yes sir, sorry you caught me off guard." Lorna told him, looking back at her laptop and trying to find the file she has been sorting for him.

"It's not a problem, are you new?" He asked, his voice deep and soft.

"Yes, I started a few weeks ago." Lorna told him, finally finding the file, "I can email you everything?" She asked.

"That would be great, here's my email." He said and read out his email address.

"That should be with you now Mr Michaels." Lorna said after sending him the file.

"Please, call me David." He replied.

"No problem, David." Lorna said with a smile.

"And you are?" David asked.

"Lorna!" She replied too quickly, "My name is Lorna."

"Nice to meet you, Lorna." David replied.

"You too." Lorna said and then watched as he walked away, his clothes fitting him perfectly.

What a man! Lorna thought.

After that, Lorna didn't have a lot of interaction with David. Every now and again helping him with clients and meetings, but no more than other lawyers.

Every time she would see him her inside would go wild, he was everything she dreamt of in a man. Successful, strong and polite. How could anyone be better.

One night, Lorna was alone at home and as usual, horny. So she undressed and started rubbing her clit slowly. She allowed the image of David come into her mind, wondering what his body would be like under that perfectly fit suit. What his dick would be like, what he would be like between her legs.

As her breathing got heavier, imagines of David slowly pushing his dick inside of her flashed into Lorna's head. Having him on top of her as he kissed her hard, letting him take her virginity.

"Mmmm David." Lorna whispered as her orgasm shocked through her picturing him.

The Drive Home

Lorna has worked at the company for over a month now, she was doing amazing and Mrs James was very complimentary of her hard work.

Except on this Thursday, her father had called to say he couldn't pick her up as he had to finish a job if he was to get paid.

Lorna has only just gotten paid and sent half of it to her dad to help him out, leaving her with not a lot and no idea of how to get home.

As she stood outside of the offices, looking through her phone for a bus home, David Michaels came out, smiling he said to her.

"Everything okay Lorna?"

Replying back nervously, she told him.

"Yes thank you, I'm just trying to figure a way home."

David looked at her for a few minutes before telling her.

"I will give you a lift."

"Thank you but I couldn't ask you to do that." Lorna replied politely.

"I wasn't asking Lorna, get in, I'll drive you home." He said firmly but with a smile.

Lorna couldn't say no, smiling and nodding, David showed her to his car.

She couldn't believe it, he drove a jaguar that probably cost more than her entire salary! Sitting in the passenger side, it had leather seats and when he turned the engine on it sounded loud.

"What's your address?" David asked.

After giving it to him Lorna thanked him again. On the way, David started to ask about Lorna.

"So how are you finding it here?" He asked.

"I'm loving it, everyone is really nice." Lorna replied, catching herself staring at this man.

"That's good, it must be nice to have some extra money to go out with your boyfriend?" David asked.

"I'm erm, single." Lorna replied nervously.

"Interesting." David replied with a smile.

Lorna couldn't stop looking at him, his chiselled and beautiful face. If this was her fantasy, she would sit on his lap right now and ride him!

"How old are you?" David asked.

"I turned 18 not that long ago." Lorna replied.

"Good, I'm 43." David replied.

He was as old as her father, but weirdly that just turned Lorna on more.

"So why don't you have a boyfriend? A beautiful girl like you must get a lot of dates?" David asked, never taking his eyes off of the road.

"Boy's my age are too immature." Lorna replied, thinking of the last date she had where the guy took her to a fast food place and made her pay for him.

"That's true, you should get yourself an older man." David replied.

Is he saying what I think he's saying? Lorna thought.

Unable to reply without letting out a silly giggle, Lorna remained quiet.

"I am going to have some extra work come in soon. Can I ask you to help me directly if I need to?" David asked.

Lorna smiled, thinking that David must have noticed her hard work if he wanted her help. She replied.

"Of course, I'll do anything you want me to!"

Then she realised what she just said and how it must have come out! Her mouth locked shut in embarrassment and she watched as David smiled and laughed to himself.

"Good to know." He replied.

Oh my god kill me now! Lorna thought!

Lorna hung her head in silence the entire drive back, too embarrassed to speak.

Eventually David pulled up outside of her house and said.

"Here you go."

"Thank you David, you're amazing!" Lorna said and then again was embarrassed.

Jumping out of the car before she had chance to say anything else stupid she ran inside. Closing the door, her brother Mark laughed and shouted.

"Fucking hell sis! Who was in that car?"

"One of the lawyers." Lorna told him, walking past and into the living room.

"Jesus, he must be on some good money!" Mark said, staring out of the window.

"Stop embarrassing me!" Lorna shouted as she could see David was still outside and could probably see her brother staring.

"Oh don't worry." Mark said turning around and heading back to Lorna.

"So is he your boss?" Mark asked.

"Sort of, I help with his admin." Lorna said turning the TV on.

"Well keep him close, maybe he can help you get further in the company." Mark said before leaving the room.

I would love to get close to him! Lorna thought, realising how horny she was from spending time with David.

Becoming a PA

The next week, Lorna has been working as usual when she was asked to go into David's office.

Trying to keep herself calm and trying to make sure not to say anything stupid, Lorna headed into his office. Once inside and shutting the door, David smiled and said.

"Lorna, thank you for coming. Please have a seat."

"Thank you." Lorna said and sat on the opposite side of the desk to David.

"So Lorna, what do you want out of your job here?" David asked her.

Lorna didn't know what to say, not expecting such a question.

"I don't know, I wanted a job to help my dad with payments. He has had a tough time since my mum died." She told him.

"Fair enough, well I can tell you that you are doing amazing. Everyone is saying what an asset you are becoming to the company." David said which filled Lorna with joy.

"Thank you so much David, I really appreciate it." Lorna told him.

"I want to make you an offer." David said which confused Lorna, then he continued, "I would like to offer you the position of my Personal Assistant."

"Oh wow, really?" Lorna asked, never expecting such a thing and worried about being so close to David and not being able to control herself.

"Definitely, you are a hard worker and I could use someone like you. It will be hard work, but a higher salary." David told her.

The higher salary confirmed her decision. Instantly Lorna replied.

"I would love to."

"Good, I will get the paperwork sorted and then we will get working on your new tasks." David told her.

"Thank you so much!" Lorna said.

When David reached out and shook Lorna's hand, she felt like she could explore. Feeling his skin on hers sent her wild.

Once she was out of the office, Lorna knew she had to go to the bathroom to calm herself down. But once she was looking at herself in the mirror and there was no one else in there, Lorna quickly locked herself into one of the cubicles. Sitting down, she couldn't control herself any longer.

Reaching up her skirt, Lorna moved her thong to one side and start to massage her throbbing clit. The excitement of spending more time with David was sending her crazy and it took only minutes for her to cum whilst on the toilet thinking of him.

The next two weeks Lorna worked very closely with David, he showed her exactly what his calendar was like, all of his own clients and everything he needed her to do. It was a lot more work, but the pay was a lot better so she was determined to do a great job.

Most days she would find herself staying late, working with just her and David. Although she was exhausted from work, Lorna still found herself spending most nights masturbating thinking of David.

After another week, David had a huge deal going on which Lorna helped with. It could be a lot of money for the company and her attention to detail was helping massively, she was learning a lot about his work and trying to get every bit of knowledge that she could. With this new deal going on, Lorna was working until 8pm every night, most of the time with David or even after he had left.

Finished Deal

"Lorna, my office now." David said walking past Lorna who was sat at her desk.

Oh no! Lorna panicked, assuming the deal did not go well. She knew that it was the final day of discussions and didn't expect David back until much later.

Nervously, she got up from her desk and went into David's office. He was already sat down behind his desk when she entered.

"Close the door and sit down please." He said firmly.

Lorna's hands were shaking, she shut the door and slowly found herself to the chair.

"So," David said slowly.

"Did it not go well?" Lorna asked.

"It went amazing!" David said and his straight face turning to smile, "Done and dusted and went perfectly!" David said jumping up from his seat.

"Don't do that to me!" Lorna shouted jumping from her seat in joy.

"You did amazing Lorna! I couldn't have done it without you!" David said walking around the desk and hugging her.

Lorna was so happy, all of her hard work paying off. As David hugged her, she couldn't help but feel her big breasts press against him, he was so much taller than her and she could feel his chin resting on her blond hair.

"I'm so happy for us!" Lorna said.

David held onto the hug for a long time, and Lorna couldn't bring herself to let go.

Eventually, he ever so slowly released from the hug, as he did he stopped and they gazed into each others eyes. His big brown eyes melting her.

Suddenly, David moved forward and planted his lips against Lorna's. His lips were soft and heavenly and Lorna kissed him back, closing her eyes she accepted his tongue into her mouth and slowly rubber hers against his.

"Mmmmm." She moaned into his mouth as they passionately made out in his office.

David's hands gripping onto Lorna as her hands rested on his back, pushing herself deeper into the kiss with the man she has been fantasising about for ages.

As their tongues massaged against each other, Lorna felt David's hands go lower and soon felt her bum cheeks getting cupped into his hands. She had a curvy body and a thick arse and loved having this man grabbing her.

"Mmmmm!" She moaned again as David kept kissing her whilst grabbing onto her arse.

Rubbing her hands over his hard body, Lorna found herself getting more and more excited by this older man.

Until he broke the kiss and stepped away. Lorna was confused as to why he stopped and stared at him, slowly wiping her lips.

David's face was straight, and Lorna couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

"Take the rest of the day off." He said, turning back and going to sit at his desk.

"What?" Lorna asked, confused by what just went on.

"We have had a great win today, you deserve the rest of the day off. I will see you tomorrow." David said.

Lorna didn't understand, he was just kissing her and holding her and now he told her to leave. Stuttering she replied.

"O-okay." And then turned and left the office.

Once outside, she pressed her back against the wall, her head a mess with what has just gone on.

She was mixed with emotions, upset that he told her to leave, annoyed that he stopped it but mostly horny!

So she grabbed her bags and left the office, getting a bus home, Lorna went straight to her room and closed her eyes trying to figure out what is going on.

He kissed me? And then told me to go?! What is he playing at!

Lorna has been infatuated with this man for so long and now she finally had him, he pushed her away, she felt like she could cry but told herself not to cry over a man.

She stayed in her bed the rest of the day, thinking of everything and only leaving to have dinner with her family then returning to bed.

The Contract

Lorna's father had just dropped her off at work. She had decided that she was going to speak to David about what happened whether he liked it or not. That was not work, so she didn't mind having the tough talk with him.

As she stood at the entrance, in a black pencil skirt and a white blouse, she took a deep breath and headed inside.

Walking straight to David's office, she knocked on the door and heard him call.

"Come in."

Opening the door, Lorna stepped in and closed the door behind her.

"We need to talk." She said turning around and looking at David who was looking at his laptop.

"What would you like to talk about?" He said not looking at her.

"About yesterday." Lorna said walking closer to him.

"Have a seat." David said. Lorna didn't know what it was about the way he spoke but she felt compelled to obey him.

Taking a seat, she sat silently and waited for David to start.

"So, you want to talk about us kissing?" David asked, finally looking up from his laptop at her.

"Yes." Lorna said, "And then you made me leave." Feeling herself getting upset again.

"I apologise Lorna, I didn't want to put you in that position." David said in a soft tone.

"Then why did you?" Lorna asked getting more upset.

"You are my Personal Assistant, there are rules against this sort of thing." David told her.

"I don't care about that." Lorna argued back, then she saw David slowly smile at her.

"I was hoping you would say that." David told her.

"So, you don't regret it?" Lorna asked with a glimmer of hope.

"Not at all." David said which could've made Lorna jump with joy, "But there are precautions we have to take." David told her.

"What do you mean?" Lorna asked, confused.

"Firstly, there are my expectations." David told her.

"What sort of expectations?" Lorna asked, even more confused.

"When I am with a woman, I expect full obedience." David bluntly said.

Full obedience? Lorna thought.

"I can see you're confused." David said, "Take this." He said and handed over a few pages with writing on, "Read through it. If you agree to everything, sign it and bring it back to me. If not, we can forget what happened and carry on working together like nothing happened." David told her.

Lorna looked at the paper, it had a lot of writing on it and looked almost like a contract.

"Are you serious?" Lorna asked, thinking it shouldn't be this hard to have a relationship with someone.

"Deadly, I have to protect myself and you also must be protected." David told her.

Lorna had a quick glance at it before David said.

"You will read it tonight at home, for today just carry on work as normal."

"Okay." Lorna replied, folding the paper and putting it into her bag and then left the room.

It was hard to focus on the rest of the day but she did the best that she could. Finally it was 5pm and Lorna got picked up by her dad.

After cooking dinner and eating together, Lorna quickly went to her room and started reading the contract.

She couldn't believe some of what it said, it started by saying.

"This contract gives your full obedience of all the rules within the relationship between Lorna Davies and David Michaels." And then followed with a large list of numbered rules, just a few of the were.

"Lorna will not tell any outside party about the relationship."

"Lorna will obey to every command given to her by David Michaels, sexual and nonsexual."

"David had full use of Lorna's body when and how he chooses."

"Lorna agrees to participate in heavy BDSM."

"Lorna agrees to anal sex." (This one frightened Lorna as she has never even played with her arse herself.

"Lorna agrees to being filmed and photographed." (Again semi frightening her)

"David Michaels has full control of Lorna's attire."

"Lorna agrees to take on multiple partners if requested by David Michaels."

After reading through, Lorna found herself getting wetter and wetter, never expecting such things from David. The last two rules had her almost gushing when she read them.

"Lorna will be David's complete sex slave slut."


"If agreed, when alone, Lorna Davies will only address David Michaels as her Master."

She couldn't believe it, Lorna knew she was kinky and most of the list got her extremely hot and bothered. The idea of completely giving control to this amazing man just turned her on more.

Putting the contract down, Lorna decided to sleep on it and speak to David in the morning.

The Next Day.

Lorna opened David's office door, entered and closed the door behind herself.

"Lorna, did you read what I gave you?" David said.

As Lorna turned around, she walked to his desk, placed the contract onto the table and whispered.

"Yes. Master."

David smiled, turned the page and saw Lorna's signature on the contract.

"Good, I'm glad you agreed." David said, "Sit down." He ordered.

Not saying a word, Lorna sat down and looked at David staring at her.

"Now a few questions of my own." He said.

"Yes Master." Lorna replied, wanting to comply completely with the contract.

"What is your sexual experience? With males or females." David asked.

"None Master, only kissed a few boys and that is it." Lorna told him.

"So, you are a virgin?" David asked smiling from ear to ear.

"Yes Master." Lorna replied.

"You will be having a lot of firsts with me then." David said as he slid his chair slightly backwards. "Stand up." He ordered.

Silently, Lorna replied. Although she was silent, her pussy begged her for attention.

"Come here." David ordered.

Slowly, Lorna walked to David's side of the desk until she was only a foot away.

"On your knees." He said.

Doing as she was told, Lorna knelt down until she was at waist height with David.

"Undo my trousers." He ordered.

This is it. I'm going to see my first real life cock.

Her hands were shaking with excitement as Lorna reached David's belt. Only just able to undo it, David sat up as he helped Lorna pull down his trousers so he just had on a pair of black boxers, but Lorna could see his hard cock underneath and it looked big.

As she wrapped her fingers around the boxers, Lorna pulled them down and watched as this huge cock sprung free.

"Oh my god." Lorna whispered, not believing how big this cock is in front of her.

"Put it in your hands." David ordered.

"Yes Master." Lorna replied.

Reaching up, Lorna wrapped her small hand around the thick cock.

It's as thick as my arm! I can't even wrap my hand around it! Lorna thought.

"Good girl." David said which said waves of pleasure through Lorna's pussy.

Instinctively, she started to move her hand up and down the thick shaft, slowly wanking off her boss's big cock.

A small amount of precum started to come out of the head of the cock, Lorna looked up at David who was smiling down at her as she slowly wanked his cock.

"Put it in your mouth now." He ordered.

This is it.

Lorna opened her mouth, slowly she leant forward and felt the head of his cock slowly rub against her tongue as she wrapped her wet lips around the fat cock.

"Mmmmmm." She moaned with her eyes closed as she ran her tongue along the head of the cock, tasting precum for the first time in her life.

Not thinking of anything, Lorna opened her mouth wider and attempted to take the cock deeper into her mouth. Rubbing her tongue all around the cock as she forced more and more of it into her mouth.

"Glllggg!" Lorna gagged when the cock hit her throat and she jumped back, a trail of spit was going from her mouth to the cock as she smiled and looked up at David.

"We will work on you deep throating me." David said, But for now, get back to sucking me cock!" He ordered.

"Yes Master." Lorna said, desperate to please this man.

She leant forward and took the amazing cock back into her mouth. This time on a mission, she started to bob up and down on the massive cock that invaded her mouth. With one hand wanking the rest of the shaft that she couldn't get into her mouth.

"Mmmmmm!" She moaned, loving being on her knees with this cock in her mouth.

"Good girl, you look great with a big cock in between your lips." David moaned.

Lorna opened her eyes and looked up at her new Master and she kept sucking his cock.

She closed her eyes when she felt David's hands resting on her hair, pushing her deeper down his cock.

"Glllgggh!" Lorna gagged again but David held her head down, not letting her up.

"Keep taking it!" David ordered holding her head down.

Lorna could feel the cock hitting her throat and struggled to breath, spit was dribbling out of her mouth and down her chin as she attempted to breath through her nose with the fat cock choking her.

Eventually he released her head, but Lorna was not one to give up that easy. Holding onto his thighs, she pushed her head further and kept getting the cock to hit her throat and gag all over it as she sucked his perfect cock.

"Fuck yes." David quietly moaned as Lorna kept sucking his cock on her knees.

Her own pussy was on fire, she could feel it soaking wet as she was desperate to be fucked by this man.

Taking the cock out of her mouth, Lorna had spit down her chin as she looked up at David and moaned to him.

"Please fuck me."

"You haven't earned that yet." David said with a smile.

Thinking back to the contract, Lorna smiled and said.

"Please Master, fuck your sex slave slut and take her virginity on your desk!"

"That is tempting. But I will decide when you get fucked. Now get back to sucking my cock!" David ordered grabbing onto her hair tightly and pushing his cock back into her mouth.

Lorna couldn't do anything now, she just held her head still as David fucked her mouth. Thrusting deep into her throat forcing to gag over and over as his cock fucked her mouth like it was a pussy.

"I'm going to cum soon. You better not miss any of it or you will be punished!" David said.

"Mmmmmm!" Lorna moaned, desperate to have him fill her mouth with cum.

"Fuuuuuckkk!" David moaned.

Then Lorna felt shot after shot of warm, delicious cum filling her mouth. It was fucking amazing! Completely filling her mouth with his cum, Lorna did her best to swallow every drop but it was too much and she felt some pour out of her lips.

She kept sucking his dick, making sure to get every drop until his cock started to go soft. Then she slowly removed her mouth from his cock and looked up at him.

"Good girl. But you did miss some." David said.

"I'm sorry Master. It was too much." Lorna told him.

"You know that means you will be punished." David told her which both panicked and excited Lorna.

"I understand Master." Lorna said staring at him.

"Good. You are coming to mine after work tonight where you will be punished." David told her.

"Yes Master." Lorna said still on her knees.

"Good, now get back to work." David told her.

Getting from the floor and wiping her mouth, Lorna returned to her desk and carried on working. The whole time desperate to touch her pussy.

Lorna text her dad that she was going to see her friends after work so she didn't need picking up.

The First Time

When 5pm came, Lorna was dripping wet with excitement, then David came out from his office.

"Come with me." He said walking past her desk.

Lorna grabbed her bag and followed him outside and eventually into his car.

Silently, David started the car and started to drive when he eventually started to speak.

"Take your top off." He ordered.

"What?" Lorna asked, nervous about taking her top off when other people could see into the car.

"Does our contract not say that you cannot question me?" David said not turning to look at her.

"No Master, but people will see?" She asked nervously, although instantly regretting it.

"That doesn't matter, you are to please me now. And I have told you to take your top off. If you question me again your punishment will keep increasing." David said in a firm tone that again frightened and excited Lorna.

Deciding that she has already agreed to this, Lorna thought she would just let herself go. So, she unbuttoned her blouse until she was just sat in the passenger seat with just her black bra holding up her large tits.

"And the bra." David ordered.

Not questioning him this time, Lorna unhooked her bra and let it fall to her lap. Her large breasts now open for any other cars to see. Weirdly this just made her feel free and more turned on.

"Good girl." David said.

Although he was still yet to turn his head and look at her tits.

The rest of the drive was in silence, Lorna was self-conscious every time that the car stopped at traffic lights as she would see people looking in and seeing her with no top on.

It was a thirty minute drive until David pulled up to his house. It was huge! He was clearly very wealthy.

"Put your shirt back on before we go in." David ordered.

Leaving her bra in the car, Lorna buttoned herself back up and followed David inside.

If the outside was nice, the inside was amazing! Very stylish furniture and very expensive art work on the walls.

"Come into here." David said and guided Lorna into a separate room.

Once he opened the door and Lorna stepped in, she was amazing with what she saw. It was a full on sex dungeon, like one she has seen in porn.

"Undress." David ordered.

Without speaking, Lorna took off all of her clothes, finally standing in front of this amazing man completely naked.

He walked around her, inspecting her toned and smooth body.

"Good, bend over the bench." He ordered.

Lorna saw a leather bench at one side of the room with chains attached to it, bending over it, her arse and pussy could feel the air against it as she could hear David walking around. Suddenly she felt him putting a silk blindfold over her eyes.

Unable to see, Lorna's pussy was throbbing as she could hear David moving around her, desperate to know what was about to happen.

Then she felt something firm pressing against her arse cheeks. It felt like a thin piece of wood that was covered in leather.

"Time for your punishment." David said.

"Yes Master." Lorna replied.

"This is only a mild punishment, so you know what to expect if you disobey me again." David told her.

"I understand Master, I'm ready." Lorna said, expecting for a spanking.


"Urghh!" Lorna let out a loud grunt feeling the hard item slapping her arse.


"Ow!" Lorna let out a little shriek in pain.

"You are getting twenty of these slave." David said. Just calling her slave made her pussy gush in excitement.

"Yes Master!" Lorna said out.


"Fuuckkk!" Lorna whimpered in burning pain from her cheeks.


"Will you disobey me again?!" David asked.


"No Master! I promise!" Lorna shouted, not knowing how she could take all the spanking.




"Please Master! It hurts!" Lorna moaned out in pain from the constant spanking.

"It should!" David told her.

"Yes Master. I'm sorry." Lorna whimpered.


"Please Master, do it quick!" Lorna moaned, desperate to finish the punishment.


David was relentless with striking her bare arse that shook at every hit.

"Fuuuckkk!" Lorna moaned out as her arse burned.

"Nearly done slave." David said rubbing the item against her raw arse cheek.

"Yes Master."

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yes Master." Lorna said.


David stuck her hard and fast to get her punishment done.

"There we go slave." He said.

"Thank you Master." Lorna said, realising how ridiculous it was that she was thanking him for punishing her.

"Now, come with me." He said.

Lorna got up from the bench, there was a full length mirror and she inspected her arse that was bright red from the spanking.

She followed David who was still fully dressed into another room.

She guessed it was his bedroom as it had a very large double bed in, except it had a few cameras around the room.

"I am going to take your virginity now." David told her.

Lorna smiled with joy, excited to finally have sex.

"Yes Master!" She said happily.

"And, I am going to record it. So you can always look back at the first time you were my sex slave." David told her.

Lorna didn't know how she felt about being recorded, but she was not about to question her Master again.

"Come here!" David ordered.

When she got closer, she felt David's hands wrap around and pull her close and planting his lips onto hers.

Lorna's neck was cranked up to meet his lips as she felt his tongue go inside of her mouth again. Making out with this amazing man, Lorna could've melted into his arms.

She raised her hands and started to unbutton his shirt and help get it off of him.

"On your knees." He ordered.

Lorna smiled at this amazing man as she lowered herself so she was face to face with his crotch.

Not needing instruction, Lorna undid his trousers and pulled them down until he stepped out of them. David was now stood in front of her completely naked.

His boy was amazing, he was so toned. He had an amazing 6 pack and good muscles. His hard cock was looking at Lorna and without instructions, he grabbed the cock and wrapped her lips around the cock.

Until David grabbed her hair and pulled her head back.

"You don't get to suck my cock unless I tell you too!" He told her off.

"Yes Master, I'm sorry." Lorna replied, confused as to why he wouldn't want a blowjob.

"Get onto the bed." He ordered.

Not saying anything, Lorna lay in the middle of the bed with her legs spread wide open, her bald, virgin pussy on full view of her boss.

She watched as David set up cameras all around her, one pointing directly at her from in front.

"Touch your pussy." He ordered.

Lorna lowered her hand and started to rub her throbbing pussy, she was so horny for this man and wanted him to know. She instantly started to moan louder, knowing the cameras were recording her just turning her on more.

"How long have you wanted me to fuck you?" David asked.

"Since we first met!" Lorna admitted with a moan, "I had to finger myself in the toilet at work when you first shook my hand!" She admitted.

"You naughty slut, you will not do that again unless I tell you to." David told her.

"Yes Master." Lorna moaned, loving being called a slut.

"Finger yourself." He ordered.

With ease, Lorna got two fingers knuckle deep into her needy, soaking wet pussy.

"You are no longer allowed to cum without my permission." David told her.

"Even on my own?" Lorna asked as she fucked her own pussy with her fingers.

"Even then." David told her.

"Yes Master, I'll do anything you tell me to." Lorna moaned, desperate for this man.

"Good girl." David said as he got onto the bed.

Lorna's fingers left her pussy as David climbed on top of her. She watched as his lips came down onto hers.

Here she was, making out with a man the same age as her father who lay completely naked on top of her. Having given herself completely to him, Lorna wrapped her smooth legs around his strong waste. She moaned into his mouth.

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