"Time to take you home, don't want your dad wondering where you are." David said.
Although Lorna was disappointed she wasn't going to cum she know not to argue. She also knew he was right and didn't want her dad to start worrying about her.
"Yes Master." She replied.
The drive home was much more pleasant than the drive back from the shop. Lorna was happy again and couldn't stop smiling. Even with her arse feeling unbelievably full.
"Here we are." David said pulling up just a few hundred yards away from her house.
Lorna looked to make sure no one could see and planted a kiss on her Master's cheek before leaving the car.
The walk to her house was strange with the plug inside of her, she tried to walk as normal as she could but ever movement made the plug move around her arsehole.
"Hey sweetie, how was your night?" Her dad asked as she walked through the door.
Amazing! I got fucked, tied to a radiator all night and now I have a giant plug stretching my arsehole!
"Pretty uneventful." Lorna replied with a smile as she walked past her dad and into the living room where her brother Mark was sat watching TV.
"Hey sis, how's it going?" He asked not taking his eyes from the TV.
"Good thaaaankkkkss!" Lorna howled out, she sat down quickly and the plug pushed even deeper inside of her arse.
"You, okay?" He asked with a confused look on his face.
"Yeah! Fine." Lorna quickly replied. She repositioning herself to let the plug feel more comfortable inside of her as she sat with her brother.
Oh god, I'm sitting with my brother and my arsehole is filled and cum is leaking out of my pussy! Lorna thought, finding this whole situation crazy.
After half an hour of watching the TV, Lorna's phone started to vibrate. Looking at it she saw multiple messages coming from David and instantly her pussy started to twitch.
"Be right back!" Lorna said and ran out of the living room and into the bathroom.
She opened the messages and saw a lot of photos and videos attached.
The first one shocked her a lot. It was many different angles of the first time David had sex with her. It showed everything, her face, David's face, her pussy and David's cock. It even showed the pure pleasure in Lorna's face as she came. Turning up the volume she could hear her own moaning and begging for David's cum.
At least I will never forget about when I lost my virginity! She thought.
After that were multiple photos of Lorna naked and in different positions. The last couple were from earlier today, Lorna was bent over the table with a jewelled butt plug sticking out of her arse. Clearly the one she was wearing right now.
Then another text came through from David.
"Don't worry, these are only for us. No one else will ever see."
"Thank you, although they have turned me on massively, can I cum?" Lorna texted back.
"No, you must hold it." David replied, much to Lorna's annoyance.
"Yes Master." She texted back knowing she would obey, even if she was horny as fuck.
"Good girl. You will only take out the plug when necessary. Understand?" David texted.
"Yes Master, I understand, it will never leave my arsehole unless I have too." She replied back to him.
"Good slave, see you at work." He replied.
"See you then Master." Lorna said and put her phone back down.
Lorna took a minute to compose herself, her pussy was dripping wet and her arsehole was still getting used to being stretched.
She went back downstairs and sat next to her brother for an hour, she tried to focus on the TV but all she could think about was how crazy her life had become in such a short amount of time. How she went from an innocent virgin who didn't know a lot about sex to becoming a submissive sex slave to her much older boss.
The Final Hole
The next day Lorna woke up, showered and got ready for work. She had just cleaned the butt plug and was pouring lube over it as she prepared to insert it back inside of her.
She was just in a towel and bent over her bed, with one hand she spread her arse cheek and with the other she started to press the tip of the plug at her tight little hole.
Fuck, it's so big! She thought, although she has had it in for nearly a full day it still hurt a little to get it in.
She was about half way down the plug, every little movement deeper felt her arse stretch more and more. When suddenly there was a knock on the door.
"Lorna, you ready for work?" Her dad shouted from the other side.
Fuck! Lorna panicked, she saw the door handle slowly move down and she did not want to get caught in this position.
She gritted her teeth and forced the last of the plug into her arse.
FUUUUUUUCCCCKKK!! She screamed into her head as her arse was definitely not ready to be stretched by the last part.
She quickly stood up and turned around just in time for when her dad opened the door.
"I'll be ready in a sec." She said to him, trying to hide the pain in her voice.
"Okay darling, see you down stairs." He replied and closed the door.
Oh fuck! My arse fucking burns! She thought, she took deep breaths as she tried to get used to her arse being stretched yet again.
After a few seconds she got dressed into her work clothes and headed downstairs, each step reminding her of the toy inside of her arsehole.
"Ready." She said to her dad with a smile.
They both got into the car and drove to her work.
"So, how's the job going?" Her dad asked.
"Great, I'm loving it." Lorna told him with a huge smile on her face.
"It's great to see you so happy lately." Her dad told her.
Aww, that's sweet. Lorna thought, knowing the reason for her joy was David.
They eventually got to Lorna's work where she told her dad she loved him and headed inside.
For the next few hours, she did her work as normal, not seeing David at all. It wasn't until after lunch when he eventually came out of his office.
"Lorna, come in please." He said.
"Yes Mas..." Lorna almost blurted out before realising where she was, "Yes, sir."
She headed inside and closed the door.
"Is your plug in?" David asked her, he sat back down at his desk and Lorna remained on her feet, knowing she is to wait for his instructions.
"Yes, Master." She told him.
"Good girl, how does it feel?" He asked.
"It still burns a little but I'm getting used to it." Lorna told him truthfully.
"I'm impressed with how quickly you have learnt to be my submissive." David told her.
"Thank you Master. I never expected to enjoy something like this so much, but I do." She told him.
"Good, you are going to be coming to my house on Wednesday night. That should give you some time to think of a reason to your dad?" David said to her.
"Of course, Master, that will be fine." Lorna said, however her pussy was begging her for attention.
What I'd do for him to just bend me over his desk and fuck me! She thought.
"Good, you do understand that I will be taking your anal virginity then?" David said to her with a deadly straight face.
"I had expected it, but you just confirmed it." Lorna said back to him.
In all honesty she had never desired to have her arse played with before, however she was so infatuated with pleasing David that she would do anything he wanted.
"Good," David said with a smile, "Now, I actually have some work I need you to do."
"No problem." Lorna replied.
For the next few days Lorna and David worked together in a very professional manor. Lorna thought it was the best of both worlds, they would both still work hard and their sexual relationship wouldn't interrupt that.
Lorna had told her dad she was going to a works event which is why she would be out late. The butt plug only left her arsehole a few times and by Wednesday her arse felt completely comfortable with it inside of her. In fact, Lorna was excited to feel her hole getting stretched even further by her Master's cock.
She wanted to prove to David that she would be willing to do anything he wanting, giving him pleasure gave her pleasure.
When 5.30pm came on Wednesday Lorna could feel her pussy was already drenched between her legs. Having gone a few days without cumming whilst her arse has been filled has been torture. She felt like a gust of wind could make her cum right now!
"Ready?" She heard David say as he left his office.
Lorna looked around and saw that the office was empty.
"Ready." She told him with a smile. She closed her laptop, grabbed her bag and followed him to his car.
"I've been looking forward to this all week." David told her.
"So have I! You have no idea how horny I am!!" Lorna admitted.
"I hope you have been a good girl and not cum without permission?" David asked and started his car.
"No Master, although I know it won't take a lot." Lorna told him.
I can't believe how open and honest I am with him! I would never have imagined talking like this to someone! Lorna thought.
"Good girl." David said with a smile.
As they drove Lorna was constantly looking over at David's crotch, she just wanted to reach over and start sucking him off but she didn't want to do it without permission. She looked ahead and saw they were coming up to a traffic light.
"I want to test your obedience." David suddenly said.
"Anything Master!" Lorna said, hoping it would involve his dick in her mouth.
"Open the window, lift you shirt up and flash those men on the footpath." David ordered.
"W-what!?" Lorna replied back in utter shock, definitely not expecting that order.
"Do you need me to repeat myself?" David said sternly.
Oh fuck, I know he doesn't like having to repeat himself! Lorna thought.
She looked outside and saw four men in work gear walking on the footpath.
Oh god, what do I do? I can't disobey him! She thought.
"Running out of time." David warned.
Fuck it! Lorna thought.
She did the window down and stuck the top half of her body out of the window.
"Hey!" She shouted and all four men turned to look at her.
In an instant, Lorna grabbed her top and pulled it up to her head. What she didn't mean to do was also catch her bra and flash her tits completely to these strangers. She felt the cold air hitting her nipple, but she was too in the moment to stop now!
They started to laugh and call out to her, Lorna just smiled back to them. Then she saw one get his phone and Lorna definitely did not want any photos taken of her like this, so she quickly pulled her top down, sat back and did the window back up.
"Good girl." David said and he carried on driving once the light turned green.
"Master?" Lorna asked in a soft voice.
"Yes?" He replied.
"Why did you want me to do that?" She asked him, he didn't get anything out of it? She thought.
"I want to see if you are willing to do everything that I tell you." David said to her.
"Have I not proven that already? I've let you take my virginity, I've been tied up for hours and I'm about to let you slide your dick in my arse." She said to him, not arguing, more defending herself as a good slave.
"Doing what you're told when it's just me and you is one thing, I want to know that you will do what I say, when I say it, no matter what." David said to her.
I thought I've been doing that already? Lorna thought to herself.
"It's about control," David explained, "I want to control you completely. I want you to hang on my every word, for everything. If I order you to stand on one spot and not move for hours on end then you will do it, if I tell you to drink so much water you piss yourself then you will do it, if I tell you to stay tied up to a bed whilst you get fucked from man after man then you will do it."
Oh Jesus, this is a lot! Lorna panicked a little at hearing this.
"I'm not saying those things will happen, but I want to know that you would do it if I told you too." David said.
"I think I understand." Lorna replied, still massively confused by it all.
"Don't worry, we are just starting out. Nothing too extreme." David said with a slight smile.
"Yes, Master." Lorna replied, although her head was spinning with what she's been told.
They eventually pull up outside of David's house and Lorna silently follows him inside.
"Do you have your collar?" David asks.
"Yes, Master." Lorna obediently replied.
"Put it on." He tells her.
Lorna pulls her collar out of her bag and attaches it around her neck. She can't explain it, but feeling the collar slightly choking her and knowing it signifies her ownership has her feeling instantly submissive.
Without saying a word, David grabs onto the young girl and pulls her in close. Lorna arches her neck up and feels David's lips press against hers.
She instinctively opens her mouth and passionately makes out with the man that is older enough to be her dad. His hands start to explore her body, grabbing her curvy arse and reaching up to squeeze her tits.
"Mmmm." Lorna moans into his mouth, feeling herself getting more and more turned on.
She feels him start to undress her, he pulls her shirt over her head and pulls her skirt down until she is standing in front of him in just a bra.
"On your knees." He ordered.
"Yes, Master." Lorna submissively replied and lowered herself to the ground. She went to reach his trousers but David firmly gripped onto her wrists.
"Beg me." He ordered.
Oh god, he's so fucking amazing! Lorna thought, she felt her pussy gush with excitement.
"Please Master, please let me wrap my slutty lips around your thick cock! I need it, I need to feel your cock in my mouth!" Lorna begged.
"Good girl." He whispered back to her and released her wrists.
Lorna quickly undid his trousers and pulled them down to his ankles as he removed his shirt.
She looked up and saw his perfect, hard, thick cock in front of her. Without saying a word, she reached up and grabbed hold of it until he yet again gripped her wrist.
"Did I give you permission to touch my cock?" David scowled her.
"S-sorry Master." Lorna said back, feeling guilty for breaking a rule.
"Come with me." David said, he kept hold of Lorna's wrist and roughly pulled her to her feet. Although it hurt and frightened her, Lorna knew she wasn't going to argue.
He harshly pulled her behind him, so fast that she nearly fell over until they made it to his bedroom.
"Get on the bed, on your hands and knees," he ordered. His tone was calm yet forcing.
"Y-yes Master." Lorna replied. She was excited to be fucked by him, but also frightened that she had pissed him off.
On her hands and knees, she face away from David with her arse in the air so her plug was in full view for him. The next thing she felt was a blindfold being placed over her eyes and tied behind her head.
Although she couldn't see, she could hear David walking around the room. When he came back to her, she felt him grab hold of her right ankle.
"Straighten your foot." He ordered.
She did as she was told and felt her foot slip inside of a leathery loop that was very tightly wrapped around her.
David then did the same with her left foot, she tried to move but realised there was some object keeping her ankles spread at the same length.
"Stay still!" David shouted.
He struck her arse hard enough to make the young girl yelp.
David walked around the room again, Lorna could feel her breathing get a little more out of control as she had no idea what to expect next.
Fucking hell, this is wild! I can't believe I'm actually doing this! She thought.
Then she felt him pushing her up so she was positioned upright on her knees. Without saying a word David grabbed her wrists and pulled them together. She then felt him tying a rope around her wrists, it was tight enough that she couldn't move them apart at all and she definitely wasn't going to be able to undo the knot.
Suddenly, he pushed her back forward. With her ankles stuck and her hands tied her face planted onto the mattress. Her arse was stuck in the air and her hands were on the mattress and she found it very difficult to move.
"Now, you have a spreader bar keeping your ankles apart and rope tying your hands together." David told her as she sensed him walking around the room. "You touched my cock without permission, and for that, you must be punished."
"Please Master, I didn't know AHHHHH!!" She shouted when a sudden strike of a hard, flat surface hit her bare arse cheeks.
"You do not argue with me, understand?!" David shouted. Lorna could hear the anger in his voice.
"But Master IIIIIIIIII FUCK!!" She shouted as he struck her once again with what she assumed was a paddle.
"Are you going to keep answering me back?" He said, this time his voice was as calm as ever.
"I... I'm sorry Master." Lorna stuttered out, her arse cheeks burned like hell.
"Good slave," David said, Lorna then felt him gently rubbing the paddle around her burning arse cheeks, "Now, for touching my cock without permission, that is ten strikes."
"10?!" Lorna blurted out.
"Fuuucckk!" Lorna called out in pain and shock.
"If you talk back to me again the number will keep going up." David warned.
Lorna was about to reply but bit her lip at the last second, in fear of having another strike.
"Good girl," David said, "Now onto your ten strikes."
The first three didn't count?! Fuck! Lorna thought, really regretting touching his cock without permission.
"Fuucckk!!" Lorna called out in pain, shocked by hard how David was willing to strike her.
"Quiet!" David barked back to her.
"Ahh!" Lorna called out again, unable to control the sounds caused by the pain.
"If you call out again, I will start over." David warned.
Fuck! Come on Lorna, take it! She thought to herself. Lorna bit onto lip and prepared herself for another strike.
"Fuuuuucckkk!!!" Lorna called out, the pain more than she can take.
"That's it!" David barked at her.
Oh god, no, please don't start again! Lorna panicked to her head.
"Open your mouth." David ordered.
The young girl did as she was told, as soon as her mouth was open she felt a hard ball forced into her mouth which she bite down on. She recognised it as the ball gag. At least this will stop me calling out in pain. She thought.
"There we go, that should keep you quiet," David said, "Now, to start your punishment again."
Fucking hell, come on Lorna, you can do this! She thought to herself.
"HHMM!!" Lorna grunted into the ball gag, but apparently that didn't bother David.
I can't believe I'm naked, tied up and bent over with an older man spanking me like this. What the fuck! Lorna thought to herself, amazed that she is in this position but also knowing she loved it.
"Rghhh!" Lorna grunted into the ball gag again.
The pain in her arse forced her eyes to well up underneath the blindfold. It felt like her arse cheeks were on fire.
"RRggggghhhhhhhhh!!" Lorna moaned loudly into the gag as her arse was battered with the paddle. Her constant groaning forced spit to start to drool around the gag and down her chin.
"Half way through, you're doing well." David complimented her.
"Hmmmh hhmm!" Lorna gagged, although she was trying to say "Thank you."
"Hmm!" Lorna groaned.
4 left, then done. She thought.
"HHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMM!!" Lorna called out into the gag, she was just grateful that she only had one more left, not knowing how much more she could take. It honestly felt like her arse cheeks were on fire.
"Last one my slave." David said as he rubbed the paddle around Lorna's burning cheeks.
"Rgh!" Lorna did one final grunt into the gag and felt some more spit pour down her chin and onto the bed.
"There we go, good girl. I'm proud of you." David said to her.
"Hhhhh." Lorna weakly groaned into the gag, just glad that her punishment is over.
"Let's get this off you." David said softly and she felt him untie the gag from behind her head.
The ball fell from her mouth and she felt a trail of spit follow it.
"That wasn't too bad, was it?" David said to her.
"N-no Master." She weakly replied, although it was deadly painful, she didn't want to risk more punishment.
"Are you going to disobey me again?" He asked her.
"Never, Master." Lorna told him.
"Good girl." David said to her.
Lorna was still tied up with her face planted against the mattress but she could sense David walking around her.
"Ooooohh!" Lorna moaned when she felt his fingers slide around her drenched pussy lips.
"Seems you enjoyed your punishment," David said, "Maybe I should punish you more often."
"Please Master... I'm so horny." She whispered to him as his fingers teased around her wet hole.
"I can see that." David whispered, his fingers spreading her juices all around her pussy. Every now and again he ran over her throbbing clit and made her legs twitch.
Oh god, please, please! Lorna thought to herself as she lay there completely at David's mercy. She could feel how totally drenched her pussy was because of this amazing man.
Not being able to move or see seemed to enhance his mere touch.
"Oooooohhh yeeess!" Lorna moaned when she felt him slide two fingers easily into her soaked pussy.
"Good girl." David whispered, he slowly pushed his fingers in and out of her desperate pussy. Not enough to give her tons of pleasure, but enough to tease her more.
David just smiled as he watched the young girls pussy wrap around his fingers as he pumped them in and out of her, her entire body twitching every time he goes knuckle deep and rubs against her G-Spot.
Oh fuck, I'm so horny! Lorna thought. She felt so completely helpless that she couldn't do anything but enjoy him teasing her pussy.
Lorna's cheeks still stung but that weirdly just seemed to enhance the pleasure that came with getting fingered.
"Oh god, please Master, please fuck me." Lorna begged, not caring about how pathetic or slutty it made her seem.
"Are you going to obey my every word at all times?" David asked, slowly pumping his fingers a little faster.
"Yes Master, I'll never disobey you, I will only ever do what you tell me to. Every word!" Lorna begged.
He fingered the young girl faster and faster, Lorna could feel his fingers deep in her pussy and she was letting out louder and louder moans of pleasure.
"Do you want to cum?" David asked.
"Yes Master! Please! I'll do anything, I'll be your perfect thoughtless slut! I'll do everything you tell me too!" Lorna thought back to what he said in the car, "I will take any cock you tell me! I won't eat or drink unless you order me to! I'll do anything!!!" She begged as best she could.
"Are you ready for me to fuck your arsehole?" David asked.
Lorna didn't even have to think about it.
"Yes Master! Fuck my last virgin hole! Slide your big cock into my arsehole and make me your three hole whore!" She begged, hornier than she has ever been in her life and on the verge of cumming.
"Good girl." David said and pulled his dripping wet fingers from her pussy.
"Noooo!" She begged.
Another strike, but this time from his hand but it only made the burning sensation feel more painful.
"Do not moan to me about anything!" David warned her.
"Yes Master." Lorna whispered.
Oh god, please make me cum! She thought to herself.
She then felt David's fingers pressing around the plug in her arsehole, slowly pushing it in and out of her.
This is it, I'm about to be anally fucked! Lorna thought but weirdly, she wasn't frightened, if anything she felt more compelled to do it to please her Master.
"Uuurrgg!" Lorna grunted when David pulled the plug out of her arsehole.
She felt the cold air on her stretched hole and felt empty for the first time in hours.
"Look at the loosened hole, it will be well and truly gaped after I'm done with it." David said to her.
Lorna didn't reply, she didn't know when she was suppose to talk or not so she thought she'd play it safe and stay quiet.
"Oooohh!" Lorna called out in shock to a cold, thick liquid being poured directly onto her arsehole.
She felt David's fingers spreading what she assumed was lube around her arse, a hole she never expected to be touched before recently.
"Ooh!" Lorna moaned out when she felt two fingers slide into her arsehole. He tight, little hole wrapped around his fingers but the plug had already loosened her up enough to take them with ease.
David pumped his two fingers in and out of her arsehole, making sure to get her ready to take his cock.
His fingers quickly left her hole but Lorna could hear him and she guessed he was spreading lube around his cock. The next thing she felt was the head of his big cock pressed against her virgin arsehole.
"Are you ready to get arse fucked?" David said to her, one hand holding her thin hip and one hand holding his cock.
Lorna had no doubt in her mind, she would do anything that David wanted and she loved it.
"Yes Master, I'm ready to take your fat cock in my virgin arsehole. To make me your complete whore." She told him proudly.
Although she had her hands tied and her ankles on the spreader bar holding her in position, Lorna wouldn't move even if she could.
David started to push his cock into her arsehole, Lorna could feel her hole pushing back against him.
"Relax yourself." David told her.
"Y-yes Master." Lorna stuttered, she attempted to control her breathing and relax her hole.
David applied more pressure and watched as this 18 year old's arsehole slowly accepted the head of his cock.
"Shhhiiiittttt!" Lorna grunted when she felt her arsehole spread open and stretch around David's cock. It felt like the rim of her arse was pulsating as it wrapped around his head, definitely thicker than her butt plug.
"There you go," David said, "I'll let you get used to it."
"Tttahhnnnkk you." Lorna panted out, her breathing got heavier and heavier as her arsehole felt more stretched than ever.
If should could move she may have instinctively pulled away, but she couldn't. She remained tied up and still as her arsehole twitched around this older man's fat cock.
David was in heaven, looking down at this young, beautiful woman's arsehole wrapped around his cock. A hole he knew she never planned on having fucked, but now she was a willing three-hole sex slave for him.
After a few minutes David continued to push his cock deeper inside of her.
"Ooohh god." She panted out as another inch slid inside of her.
"Shhh, you can take it." David whispered, he rubbed her smooth back as he kept slowly pushing his cock deeper and deeper.
Every inch felt like a mile as the rim of Lorna's arsehole twitched around the thick cock stretching her out.
Oh my god, he's so fucking big! She thought as she stayed still and took it like a good slut.
It took a long time but Lorna then felt it. David's big, smooth balls touched her skin and she knew she had his entire, big, thick cock inside of her no longer virgin arsehole.
"FUUUUUCCCKK!!" She moaned out when she realised she had taken it all. Her legs trembled and twitched but were restrained in the spreader bar.
David grabbed and squeezed Lorna's arse cheeks and held himself balls deep inside of her as she got used to her untouched hole being filled with cock. He loved watching he twitch around his cock and knew that soon she would be moaning more than ever as he fucked her tight little arsehole.
Lorna tried to control her breathing as her chest heaved up and down against the bed.
After a few minutes David started to pull his cock back and Lorna felt her arsehole stretching around his shaft.
"Oooh god." She panted.
He left just the head in before pushing himself back inside of her until his balls touched her skin once again. He kept slowly thrusting his cock in and out of her hole for a few minutes and he could feel her arse loosening around his cock.
Then, one quick thrust he slid his entire cock balls deep inside of her.
"Fuck!" She called out, the pain slowly going and instead being replaced with pleasure.
"How's that?" David asked her.
"G-good." Lorna moaned back.
It was a strange feeling, Lorna felt like her insides were completely filled with cock and her arsehole still trembled around his cock, but it was pleasurable. A different pleasure of having him fuck her pussy, but still pleasurable.
"Good." David said and thrust into her quickly again.
"Oooh fuck!" Lorna moaned out.
"I'm going to fuck you faster now." He warned the young girl.
"Y-yes Master." Lorna panted.
David then started to thrust in and out of her faster, her hole was relaxed and the lube helped him slide his entire cock in and out of the young girls arsehole faster and faster.
"Oh god... oh fuck..." Lorna moaned, only a hint of pain left and pleasure was taking over.
"Good?" David asked as he fucked her faster.
"Yes Master! Really... fucking.... Good..." She moaned.
Faster and faster David fucked the 18-year-old arse. His skin started to slap against hers and echo around the room and all that left Lorna's mouth was loud moaning.
"Oh fuck.... Oh yes!!!" Lorna moaned, not believing how good it felt to have her arsehole fucked.
"Your arsehole is like a vice around my cock!" David moaned out.
"You're so fucking big!" Lorna moaned back. Her body just rocked into the bed as she took this fucking from her Master.
"Fuck yes!! Fuck my arsehole, Master!" Lorna moaned.
Any pain had now gone and all Lorna felt was an animalistic pleasure to be fucked like a dirty whore.
"Destroy my arsehole!" She begged, "Fuck me like the dirty fucking whore I am!"
"Good slut!" David moaned as he fucked her faster and faster.
"You like that you dirty fucking whore?!" David moaned.
"Oh, fuck yes!!! Fuck me! Gape my arsehole!" Lorna begged.
"You're my three-hole slut now slave! I'm going to use any hole I want, whenever I want!" David moaned.
"Yes Master!! I am your complete slave! I want your cock in any hole you want!" She begged.
Lorna could feel something happening inside of her, Am I going to cum whilst getting my arse fucked? She thought.
"Fuck.... Fuck... fuck... yes!!" She moaned over and over as David battered her tight little arsehole, well and truly taking her last virginity.
David grabbed onto her long, blonde hair and yanked her up. With her hands tied her body was being held off the bed just by her hair.
"FUUUUUCCCKK!!" Lorna screamed out in pain, but the pain just enhanced her pleasure.
"Take it you fucking whore!" David roared.
"Fuck... yes.... Ruin me!!" She begged as her hair felt like it was getting ripped out as her arsehole was getting destroyed.
David let go of her and Lorna's face slammed against the mattress.
"Bounce back on my cock, whore." David ordered.
"Yes Master!" Lorna happily moaned out.
She started to push her arse back against his cock, over and over she fucked her own arsehole against his cock and fucking loved it.
"Fuck... fuck.... God, I love you fucking my arse!" Lorna moaned.
As she bounced back on his cock, Lorna suddenly heard something vibrating and a soft object pressed against her clit.
"HHOLLLY FUUUCCKK!!!" Lorna screamed out as a vibrator was pulsating against her swollen clit.
"You're going to cum with my cock in your arsehole you dirty slut!" David roared.
"Yesss Master!!!! Fuuucckkk mee!!!" She screamed and never stopped bouncing back on his cock.
Over and over, she hammered herself against him and slapped her skin against his as his cock went balls deep into her bowels.
Then, it hit her.
"FUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!" Lorna screamed at the top of her lungs as her entire body was wrecked with an earth-shattering orgasm, "YYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!"
Lorna's arsehole was clenching around David's cock, as though pulling the cum from his cock and he knew he was about to blow.
"I'm going to fill your arsehole with my cum you fucking whore!!" He moaned out.
Lorna's head was fucking spinning as her orgasm ruined her body.
"FUUCKK YESS!!" David roared out and Lorna felt the first shot of his warm, thick cum filling her insides.
"YYEESS MASSTERR!!" Lorna moaned as the feel from his cum inside of her just kept her own orgasm going.
David gripped onto the young girl's hips and hammered into her battered arsehole as he forced all of his cum inside of her.
Lorna's entire body was trembling as she clenched her arsehole around his cock, milking every last drop of cum from him.
"Fuck...." Lorna panted as her orgasm slowly died down, by far the most intense orgasm of her life.
Suddenly David pulled his entire cock out of her arsehole and Lorna felt completely empty inside except for his cum which started to pour out of her hole and over her drenched pussy.
"Look at that hole, well and truly gaped." David said with joy in his voice.
Although Lorna wanted to speak, she was too busy panting for air to say anything. She could feel David moving around he bed in front of her.
He then gripped onto her and pulled Lorna so she was back up on her knees. He grabbed her blindfold and pulled it off of her, forcing her eyes to squint from the light.
She looked up and saw her amazing Master stood over her, completely naked with his sticky cock still semi hard.
"Clean my cock." He ordered her.
But... that's just been in my arsehole? Lorna thought for a second, but she knew she was not going to say no to anything her master told her to.
She could use her hands, but she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue to indicate to her master to fuck her face.
David just smiled, held onto the back of her head and pushed his cock into her mouth.
Lorna willingly wrapped her lips around his sticky cock, all she could taste was his cum and she happily ran her tongue all over him.
"Good girl." David moaned as this young girl swallowed his cock.
"Mmmm." Lorna moaned, taking a cock from her arse to her mouth and the filth of it all somehow bringing her more pleasure.
After a few minutes of licking and sucking his cock so it was completely clean, David pulled away and smiled at the young girl.
Without saying a word David untied Lorna's hands and released her from the spreader bar.
"You should probably go for a shower before I take you home." He said to her with a smile.
"Yes, thank you Master." Lorna thought.
She couldn't stop herself from smiling, That's it, I have given every hole to this amazing man, I would do anything for him. She thought.
Thirty minutes later Lorna stepped out of the shower, it took a while to clean all the cum from her arsehole. She dried herself and put her clothes back on.
"Ready?" David said whilst sat on his bed smiling at her.
"Yes Master." Lorna said to him.
"Great, let's get you home." David said and they both left.
When Lorna sat down in his car her arsehole felt very, very sore. He really fucked my arsehole well, she thought.
Thirty minutes later David was pulling up near Lorna's house, once again she leaned over and kissed his cheek before leaving and going home.
"I'm back." She shouted out as she walked into the living.
"Hey." Her brother James said, he walked past her holding a bowl of cereal.
Cereal at this time? What a weirdo, Lorna thought as she sat down on the sofa, But I guess I was just tied up and fucked in my arse by someone as old as dad!
When Lorna went to bed a few hours later she received a text from David, similar to last time it was videos from many different angles of him fucking her arsehole.
Lorna could clearly hear all of her words and her begging for him to fuck her. Just watching herself act like such a slut for her Master made Lorna horny yet again so she texted him back.
"Please may I cum Master?" She asked.
"For being such a good girl, you may cum once tonight but only by watching yourself." He replied.
"Yes! Thank you Master!" She replied.
It took about five minutes of watching herself getting fucked in the arse and begging like a whore for Lorna to make herself cum as she fingered herself and rubbed her clit.
She lay back in her bed, exhausted from all the activities and wondered what else was in store for her.
In a couple of weeks I've gone from a virgin who barely spoke to boys to having a Master in his 40s, lost my virginity, been tied up A LOT! Been fucked in my arse and sucked his cock a lot! I FUCKING LOVE IT!
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