After years apart they had drifted back together the way that former lovers sometimes do, only this was something different.

Tate Bohaven and Molly Knight had been total sexual freaks for each other back in high school. They'd been very experienced by the time their Senior year relationship had started, and while some people can take your virginity away, others can take your kink virginity away, and the latter can be far more powerful a thing when handled properly.

The relationship whirl-winded over the course of a year, but separate colleges in separate towns decided different life paths.

They kept in touch the way people do, social media being an ever-present way of keeping tabs on the special ones who had entered their lives at various points and written significant chapters. They weren't fully unaware at any point of the other's status and location.

It wasn't until numerous failed experiments in the world of dating other people that they happened to fall back into each other's lives, quite accidentally, at a New Year's Party that they both ended up attending in Brooklyn. Eight years had passed but it was amazing to see just how well they fell back in with each other.

They were both drunk. Both recovering from recent breakups. Molly saw him first from across the crowded loft party and it was like a surge of something familiar and new all at the same time.

It took Tate a few minutes longer before his eyes finally glanced across the room and saw her.

His mouth opened. Molly had been staring at him the whole time. She couldn't believe how good her high school boyfriend looked some seven years removed.

She walked towards him with a smile and he couldn't help but do the same. She squealed a little in her happy, boozy state and jumped into his arms, just like she had done every day their senior year before the school day had gotten started. He spun her around, just like he had done then. Parallels never die.

After the spin had come to a stop Tate dropped Molly as she bounced cutely in her tiny black cocktail dress that flared out above mid-thgh. Her collar was white with sewn-in pearls and she wore her hair up, her face covered in various sparkles to fit the theme of the evening. She looked like a sexy snowflake. She even had a stupidly sexy white choker tied loosely around her neck. Tate was immediately taken just like he had been in high school. She was so comfortably sexy it was unnerving.

If she was vibrant and fresh in high school, she certainly hadn't lost it. Only now she was smarter. There was a certain knowledge and city worldliness that emanated off of her like a powerful energy. It was sexy. She was sexy.

And Molly noticed all the same things about Tate. He was more muscular now. A smoothly shaven face with a more defined jaw. In high school he'd been a cute guy—fun. . .though now he had a presence and. . .arms. And, well, she had to admit. He was sexy and handsome and commanding. He was a catch. She was smitten all over again.

They told a hundred stories a mile-a-minute and neither could remember a time they'd laughed so much in one night. What had started as a possibly depressing evening for both parties quickly turned into a New Years they'd never forget.

They felt like kids again, so excited to share everything with each other. They touched each other a lot. Hands found arms and knees pressed against knees as they found a nearby bar-top and used the countertop as an excuse to get closer to each other. Everything felt so right.

By the time the countdown arrived it was all too obvious what was going to happen.

Molly leaned in on the number two, and Tate pulled her to him as they kissed with the passion of two people who can't wait the final two seconds. What started as a magical make-out session at a killer New Year's party quickly extended into a naughtier make-out in the backseat of a cab racing through the rain, which quickly turned into an even sexier variety against all the walls of an elevator, and soon, they were back inside Tate's apartment. and soon clothing was coming off and soon Molly was pushing Tate's marvelous cock deep into her mouth at the same time that Tate was tonguing the entire length of his ex girlfriend's beautifully waxed pussy and it was as juicy and as perfect as he remembered it. And then Molly had sat up on top of him and placed his cock at her entrance and they were back in a place they hadn't known they had missed so badly.

They fucked for the rest of the night.

On every surface.

In every hole.

They fucked like two lovers that were hungry and thirsty for all the years they had missed. It wasn't gentle or subtle or smooth. It was sloppy and needy and desperate and undeniably based in a place of intense want and closeness and memory.

They both cried that night with each other. It was something that had never happened in any other sexual scenario they'd experienced. Molly stayed over with Tate that night and they fell into one of the deepest sleeps they had ever had, fully wrapped up in a feeling that neither of them had ever had.

After that she never left.

They spent the next few years building a glowing-hot relationship based in trust and communication.

It was a fast love—the type of thing that is so obvious when finally presented in the correct light. And they were incandescent.

Eventually the inevitable happened and the two were engaged. A small, but beautiful wedding quickly led to a long honeymoon.

They were in Amsterdam, two days removed from their stateside ceremony.

The luxury hotel sat along one of the many romantic canals running through the old city. The honeymoon suite sat on the third floor and faced the water. You could see the nighttime bicycles and small dinies where drunk revelers passing by—stumbling shadows in the streetlights.

Their bed as positioned in the middle of the room, while a giant, jetted spa tub ran along one of the two, front windows. Everything was exotic and warm. Purples and reds and satin blacks. Glosse lavender and grey wallpaper striped the walls while exaggerated light fixtures gave the room just enough of a vibe to be exactly where you wanted to be. And that's where they were.

Molly was wearing dark red Agent Provocateur lingerie that was mostly sheer, but lined with a pink sparkle trim. She wore sexy lingerie socks to boot with bows at the mid shin. The room was hot and their desire was unending and the sheets were as soft as an Egyptian Cotton truck spill-over.

They fucked like two people who know they've begun a journey. It was thirst-quenching—like a halftime water bottle or the coldest drinking fountain in the middle of an August park. It was the kind of sex that reconfigures your wires into something more advanced—a Radio Shack hack of G-spot algorithm. It was the kind of sex you don't ever want to end.

When it finally did, sometime around 3:00 AM that morning, they found themselves naked and cradling each other. The edibles they'd eaten around midnight that they'd purchased during an earlier Red Light District window-watching stroll, were perfectly massaging their brains into the most relaxed and happy of spaces.

They had both cum—a lot. The afterglow was as heavy as humidity. It was clear that they were about to embark on something fairly wild together—a marriage based on an intense sexual appetite—love and intimacy and kink all rolled into one.

"I can't wait to fuck you forever." Tate said.

Molly gleamed. "MMmm, I can't wait to fuck YOU forever." She was straddling his lap and they were lightly kissing each other as they sat in the middle of the bed. Everything felt thrilling.

"Seriously though, we're gonna have so much good sex." Tate smiled as he thought about just how well matched the two of them were. Six pillows surrounded them in a moat of balance. The best thing about fancy hotels was all the pillows they gave you, or at least that's what Molly had declared when they first checked in.

"Yes!" Molly agreed. "And also, we're gonna have exciting sex. KINKY sex. We're gonna be daring and we're gonna do crazy stuff."

"I totally agree. We're gonna have a COMPLETELY kinky marriage," Tate said firmly as he felt his cock begin to stir again under his new wife's perfectly round buns. Molly felt her husband getting hard and then she blushed at the thought of that word. 'Husband'.

"We're gonna have a very, VERY, kinky marriage baby, I can promise you that." She said this with the most marvelously wicked determination in her voice, and they were both getting turned on now.

"Oh yeah?" Tate replied with a devious twist of the word, like the letter Y was his tongue, and the sentence was her clitoris.

"Mmm, yes we areeee. . .wait. . .I have an amazing idea!" Molly leaned over excitedly to the bedside stand as Tate held her hips so she wouldn't topple over, even as she kept her legs wrapped around his midsection. They were joyously enraptured with each other as they buzzed off the amazing Amsterdam weed, the provided honeymoon Champagne, and most of all, each other.

She grabbed a piece of hotel stationary emblazoned with an embossed purple logo and a magazine for leverage. She raised her eyebrows at Tate.

"Let's make a list."

"What kind of list?" He asked.

"A sex list. Like. . .a list of all the crazy sex stuff we want to do. . .that we've always wanted to do but have never been able to or have been too afraid to ask for. Let's be totally honest. Let's talk about our dirtiest fantasies and put them all down on paper." She was on fire and Tate was so fucking in love with her in that moment.

"Okay, I love it. Like, a sexual bucket list." He said, and she grinned and wrinkled her nose with the excitement of it all. This was the foreplay of a new lifetime.

She held the paper between them in her lap as she kept her legs loosely wrapped around Tate, who held her ass against his half-hard cock. Molly immediately noticed the affect this was having on him too. It was so much fun just being able to dive into the depths of the sexual world with someone equal to the task. And also, seemingly for the first time ever, to not in any way be judged for it.

"Okay, hmmm, who goes first?" Molly asked, as she bit on the end of the pen and smiled at her man. She was always driving him crazy, in everything she did. And she knew it, too.

"Umm, I'll go first cuz I already now my first one." Tate sounded like a kid in a toy store.

"K," Molly grinned as she clicked on her pen to write.

"Threesome. I want to have a threesome with you."

"Mmm, I KNEW you were gonna say that first." She laughed and leaned forward to give him a kiss before writing it down.

Molly had already had a threesome in college and Tate had asked for her to retell that story a hundred times before, and she knew how much he went crazy over that fantasy.

"Well wait, threesome two-girls-one-guy or two-guys-one-girl?" She asked the question with her tongue between her teeth, knowing what the answer would be, but enjoying the torture anyway.

"Oh, definitely two-girls-one-guy," he added, though he turned a tad red.

"Well, then I get to go next so lemme just say right now. . ." and then she proceeded to add 'Threesome with two guys' as the second item on their list.

Tate didn't mind this at all. He knew that Molly had this fantasy. It had well covered in their past nights where they had stayed up all night talking about their various sexual fantasies and scenarios they wanted to try still.

"I'd actually totally be down for that too." Tate could feel his cock getting much harder now where it was trapped beneath Molly's perfectly perky bottom. She wiggled on top of him a little and they kissed again, with tongue this time, but she pushed him away before they got too distracted.

"I'm so happy right now," she said. "I think that's so hot that you'd be into that babe. That makes me so fucking wet."

"I'm so happy babe," he smiled.

"But we've got a list to make Mr. Bohaven, stop distracting me." And he straightened immediately to attention.

"Yes of course Mrs. Bohaven, my sincerest apologies," and they both chortled like fancy Victorians, a long-carried inside joke in play.

"Okay I'll go next." Molly wrote down 'LesbiHonest.' Which was another well used word whenever either of them brought up their mutual attraction to girl-on-girl fun.

Tate looked at his wife lovingly. He knew that she liked both guys and girls but had only played with the girl she had the threesome with and then a little experimenting in college and all the typical make-outs that occur at various parties through life. When he raised an eyebrow she explained.

"Ya know, like, I wanna have a really amazing, one-on-one connection with a girl. I wanna go on a date, get a little tipsy, and then head back home, smoke some weed, and have stupidly good sex over the course of a night." Tate loved watching his wife getting lost in this fantasy as she described it. She was so beautiful and knew who she was maybe more than anyone he'd ever known.

"Would you want the girl to be in control or would you want to be in control?" He pressed her, even as the head of his cock pressed into her butt cheek and smeared his pre-cum onto her skin. She could feel his wet warmth and grinded her ass into him on purpose to tease him even more.

"Ummm," she started, now thinking about both his cock and her girl-on-girl fantasy all at once in a dizzying moment of molecular everything. "I think I'd want her to be in charge. Like, being the one to make the moves and maybe even show me, like. . .exactly how to fuck a girl, ya know? I really get off on that. The idea of being led. . .of being instructed. Fuck, it just really makes me horny." She beamed like Lady Liberty.

Tate could feel the wetness of his wife's pussy increasing between them. She smelled amazing when she was horny. The road formed by Molly's legs had always led him to pheromone city and he couldn't get enough of that geographic

"Yeah, I totally get that. That's really hot, babe." He readjusted his cock and allowed it to be lined up with her pussy now. It was just an inch away from sliding in. She smiled and pretended not to notice.

"My turn. . .lemme think." Tate smiled a little embarrassingly. "I want you to fuck me with a strap-on."

Molly gasped at her husband. "You DO?!" She felt the wetness of her pussy triplicate, as she oozed at the mere thought of getting to do that to his very gorgeous ass.

"Well it's not like you haven't figured me out already." Tate blushed again. Molly nodded and kissed her husband some more. Of course she knew. She had been the one that first played with his ass all those years ago—a celebratory blowjob after a varsity soccer playoff victory. And when they found each other again, she had fingered him during one of their first all-day-weekend-fuck-a-thons. And Tate was immediately reminded of just how much he had missed having a girl that would play with his ass. The fantasies bloomed.

"You like it when I play with your ass, don't you dirty boy?" She asked, and Tate kissed her and got pricklies all over his body. She was incredible. But then, she knew that already. And she still chose him.

"I fucking love it. And I fucking love you." They made out softly, enjoying the music and the nighttime views of the canals outside the windows. Tate leaned over and grabbed their weed pen and they both took another big hit. This night was just getting started.

"I've never fully told you this babe but, I fucking love your ass. First of all you have a really sexy butt thanks to all your random high school sports you played. I love playing with your ass and I love when you do kinky things with me and I especially love seeing how submissive you get and how much you lose control when I play with you there. It's really fucking sexy and I have a lot of fantasies about it." Tate felt his heart beating fast, even as the tip of his cock pushed firmly up against Molly's very slippery pussy lips. She was oil slick wet. He loved that she loved his ass. It always made him feel whole.

She wrote down 'Pegging' and Tate could literally feel his ass pucker with a nervous excitement just at the thought of it.

"Okay, my turn, number 5: Orgy. I wanna go to an orgy with you so bad!" While she talked about this, Tate felt her position him correctly and sank slowly down his shaft until they were completely locked back in. Both of them moaned at the familiar feeling of total happiness. They were so in love.

"Fuck, I would be so turned on to go to an orgy with you. I love how naughty you are."

"Okay, number six." She continued the game "What's your next one?"

"Okay since I feel like we've gotten to the point where we can just be totally honest about all our crazy fantasies I'm taking the gloves off," He held her down on his cock and they just slowly grinded while they talked. "I want to see you get fucked by multiple guys."

"MMmmmmmm baaaaaaaby," Molly bit her bottom lip and smiled like she'd just received a lollipop for being good. "So you want to watch me in a gangbang?"

"Yes, I realllllly, reallllllly, do," he was so turned on by her. The magnetism popped constantly.

"How many guys would you want to see fuck me?" She asked, truly curious. She was oozing at the mere thought of being fucked by that many men in front of her husband.

"Nothing super crazy. . .like, I think three or four guys. Mayyyybe five."

"Four guys," she countered. "I like that number, 'cuz then I can have a cock in my pussy, mouth, and both hands." She gave him a naughty wrinkle of her nose as she smiled and licked her teeth a bit. She was deep in thought about what it would be like to please that many cocks in the course of one night. It was a crazy and incredible thought to entertain.

"Yeah and I want to see you take a cock in your ass and your pussy at the same time," he added, as they continued to grind into each other with increasing slipperiness.

"Mmmm babbbbby, that's already gonna happen in our guy-guy-girl threesome." When she said that she slid a finger down around behind her and rubbed her own asshole with the tip of her middle finger. Molly hadn't had a ton of anal sex, but the thought of having a cock in both of her holes at once absolutely blew her kink brain wide open into the distant edges of her endorphin galaxy-scapes.

They kissed again. The connection was always electric between them. This seemed like some sort of surge of those powers.

She slowed to a stop on top of him long enough to write down 'Gangbang for Molly' as number 6.

She looked at Tate with the type of what-are-you-up-to naughtiness that made him hard over and over and over again for her. Then she wrote down, without allowing him to hear it out loud first, 'Tate with another guy.'

He looked at her wide-eyed as his entire body felt a strange kind of tension—ancient rubber band torture.

"Look, I love you so much, but I think you'd actually really be into having sex with a guy. You LOVE it when I play with your ass and you also kinda like when I boss you around occasionally. I really wanna see you and another guy have sex baby. It would turn me on so fucking much."

She kissed him again. She could also feel his cock pulsing inside of her.

"You want to, don't you?" She asked him. She could see the immediate decisions being revealed on his lips and cheeks.

"Yeah, I think maybe I do," Tate admitted for the first time. These were fantasies he hadn't full considered the possibility of—something that excited him and terrified him all at once.

"Don't worry babe, I'll help you. Maybe when we have our guy-guy-girl threesome we can find a really sexy bisexual guy, and I can be there to help you take your first cock and make it a special night for you. Oh my god it would turn me on so much to see you losing your ass virginity to a more dominant guy." Tate couldn't believe how hard he was as she stroked these words into his brain.

"Fucckkk,"was all he could manage to respond to Molly's incredibly dirty mind.

"Mmmm, ya see baby? I can feel how hard this is making you." She rode up and down his shaft a few times as she moaned with happiness from her husband's openness to her kinky fantasies. Her husband was getting harder inside of her even as she discussed his ass being fucked for the first time.

Tate went next. "I want you to go out and fuck some random guy and then come home and fuck me, still covered in his juices."

"Fuck YES I love this fantasy, but I think we should do it on the same night, I want you to go out and fuck a girl and have both of us come back still covered in their sex juices." Molly buzzed with the very idea of it. The weed was definitely helping them get to their most honest and kinky selves. "I want you to taste his cum on my lips and pussy." And once again she could feel her husbands cock throbbing as she said this. She liked that a lot.

"My turn," Molly said as she got done writing down their recent addition. Then she added number 9. 'Glory Hole.'

She looked at Tate as she began to slide up and down on his dick a little more, sliding him half way in and half way out. He only looked mildly surprised. It was more curious amusement if anything.

"I wanna go to some porn theater where they have the little rooms and put some hot video on and I wanna play with some stranger's big cock that comes through a hole in the wall and I REALLY want us to play with it together. I have a big fantasy of you and I sucking on a stranger's cock together." She said this carefully, watching her husband's reactions with each new crazy idea she introduced.

Tate never flinched. He goosebumped and his dick throbbed more. But no flinching. He was nervous and excited and increasingly horny for his wife as this conversation went along.

He had struck the damn payload with Molly. They both could hardly believe the amount of crazy good sex they were about to have with each other.

Both had pornographic imaginations and burn-in-hell fantasy lists, and they each thrummed with anticipation to see how far they could take each other. There was almost a competitive element to their intertwining horniness. It was needy and exciting all at the same time. They were perfect for each other. They always had been.

From here the ideas came fast. At some point they had topped out at fifteen and by that point it didn't matter.

The paper had fallen to the side of the bed and Tate had begun a steady thrust up into Molly's warm, juicy pussy as she rode him cowgirl and moaned louder and louder with each passing second. They both raced each other to that final orgasm.

"Tatttte...fuckkkkk...I'm gonnna cummmm!!" She moaned as she gripped his muscled back and continued to grind into him all through her powerful orgasm. It was made all the more delicious as his own cum exploded deep inside of her at the exact same time.

"Fuckkkkkkkk." The both moaned, and you would've had trouble determining who was who in that long and satisfying declaration.

The waves came together, crashing into each of them at once with the kind of powerful energy that only happens in those rarest of moments.

Molly moaned and whimpered at the same time into his mouth as they both gripped and grabbed at each other like sailors falling overboard. And they were. They were falling deeper and harder and more completely with each insanely unexpected moment, and this one was quickly topping them all.

They didn't have to lie anymore.

About anything.

This was their combined truth, strewn about a hotel room with all the comforts that kinky soulmate discovery can unexpectedly bring to the wayward and wandering mind.

They fell to the side, still connected, as they both caught gasping breaths and breathed with their lips pressing into neck and cheek and earlobe and damp strands of hair. Sweat ran down their faces.

That was the type of symphonic experience that had completely changed everything for both of them.

That was what they had been missing all of those many years.

Molly caught her breath as she breathed heavily into Tate's neck, causing the hairs to rise.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

And that was where it all began.

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