Tate and Molly had smiles plastered across their faces that they couldn't have wiped off if they tried.

They kept staring over at each other happily as their car cruised along the semi-busy desert highway, weaving in and out of rolling boulders and hills. The Bluetooth radio pumped a primer in relaxation.

They'd earned it. Everyone had. The Coronavirus vaccine had been fully administered to the public at large and reports seemed to indicate that the worst was far behind them.

Naturally, people were looking to celebrate, and Molly and Tate had some serious lost time to make up for.

"Ya know...I thought the first time you made out with me with cum still in your mouth was the hottest thing ever...but I gotta be honest babe, right now, being on vacation without a mask in sight, might literally be the greatest physical experience of my life. I'm having constant micro-orgasms." Tate beamed at his young bombshell of a wife. Her pale yellow sundress rode up her tan legs and she just allowed it to happen. The put the sunroof of their Jeep down and enjoyed the warm air flowing in on their skin.

"Oh my GOD! I KNOW! I think we should seriously see if we can snag one of the bonfires tonight and we can burn the ones we have in the car in effigy."

"That is an absolutely CAPITAL idea!" Tate said, effecting a so-so British accent as he smiled widely.

"Is it British orrrr...Australian?" She laughed at her goofy, handsome husband. He seemed more carefree than he had in months. They both did, obviously. Life had been paused right after their honeymoon, and they'd had to put their lifetime of fun on a brief hold.

But now there were no masks and no industrial strength hand washing stations and no 24/7 news cycles of how many people had died that day; or who was right and who was wrong. It was just peaceful.

It felt like springtime, even though it was the beginning of summer.

And nothing could've felt more like summertime then the way they felt right at that moment-beats bouncing through the SUV as the 90 degree sun shown down on them.

Molly raised her hands and cheered as the sign came into view:

"PALM SPRINGS," it read in gleaming, Art Deco silver.

Tate turned up the volume even louder as Lizzo welcomed them both back into the official world of leisure.

"I AM. SO. FUCKING. EXCITED. TO. BE. BACK. HERE. WITH. YOU!" Tate excitedly yelled to her.

"KELLLLLLLY CLARKSONNNNN!" She screamed back. And they both cracked up like teenagers again.

Fun was officially back.

Palm Springs had all the quirky charm that was no longer available in Las Vegas and not quite as douchy as San Diego. It was a city that felt almost purposefully satirical-a wild mix of antique shops, the gay community, old Hollywood retirees, and young, partying people in their 20's looking to get progressively drunk by a pool over the course of a very stress-free weekend. There were very few chain hotels. Most the resorts had their own individual brilliance. You could practically identify them by which party drug they most resembled. Or perhaps even more accurately by the type of adult who stayed there.

Five miles later and the car pulled into their preferred house of respite: the Ace Hotel.

It was like the millenial, cultural dog whistle of the whole town. If you were under the age of 30 and heading to Palm Springs, there were three major resorts you were staying at for vibes, DJ's, photo booths, Jetsons-meets-Vegas-meets-Urban-Outfitters themes, etc. It was desert chic, and almost too corny to be believed-from the photo booth stations and the weekday drag show trivia, to the tall white fire-pits all over the property with rentable Vespa's out in front. The pool was the main attraction, but they also had a second, quieter pool with a more understated vibe, and calmer, quieter waters. On the busiest weekends, a DJ would be providing the two contrasting vibes at each location. Basically, if you were the type of person who enjoyed simply being who you were, it was absolutely perfect.

When they parked the car and stepped out, the blanket of desert heat that defined this oasis draped over them like a hug.

WELCOME BACK HUMANS IN SEARCH OFJOY. It said, in a smooth baritone.

They both stood there for a moment and listened to the vibrating cicadas outside of the famous hotel, another calling card of the property.

"Is it just me? Or am I in literal heaven right now?" She asked, completely without irony.

"Yes...but I think we're also in figurative heaven." Tate parried.

"Is it possible to be in both at once?" Molly flirtatiously replied.

They both stared at each other with eyebrows mimicking sass.

"Wait...we haven't taken any drugs yet, right?" Tate joked.

"YET!? WHAT'S TAKING US SO LONG?!" Molly dramatically intoned. They grabbed their bags and headed to check in, as she squeezed her husband's butt while he put his arm around her. It felt almost more exciting than their honeymoon had. They felt reinvigorated.

They got all checked in and Molly made sure to bat her eyes at the hotel desk clerk for a room close to the main pool, but he batted for the other team so she quickly nudged Tate up to fill in. He did a valiant job, and soon they were off to set up their room for peak enjoyment capabilities.

They were staying for three nights. A Friday-through-Sunday fuck-a-thon with all the necessary accouterments.

When they got to Room 207 they were thrilled. It appeared that the front deskman had upgraded them to a second floor suite overlooking the heavenly oasis of a pool that spanned the entire middle of the property, below.

The room had a king sized bed and a long set of couches by the wall with a big shower. the bathroom was hipster sized so it wasn't a ton of space...but you didn't come to Palm Springs to soak in the bath. You came for the pool and the 90 degree weather at night and all the people your age, who were also looking to escape the doldrums of city life...only now it would feel more like a bacchanalia.

They dumped their bags onto the floor and got their alcohol into the mini fridge. The very second that was done Molly rushed into Tate's arms. They crashed down onto the bed and they clawed at each other like horny college kids again. Molly worked Tate's jeans and boxers off and pulled her panties to the side as she sat up on top of him felt his seven inches sink deeply into her soaking wet pussy. She'd been leaking her juices out in the car for the last half hour thinking about his cock, and now she was finally riding it again, on vacation, with nothing to worry about but relaxing for the next three days. She squeezed him. He felt so good inside her.

They made out intensely as he sat up to meet her and she wrapped her legs around his back so that they were mirroring each other now. Molly started to grind on him, leaving him all the way in and teasing her g-spot as she maneuvered her brilliant, pelvic muscles to torture Tate's throbbing member.

He bit her shoulder and told her he was close to cumming and that was all she needed, as she bounced firmly up and down while her first orgasm crested the mountain. Tate exploded deep inside of her and they kissed all the way through it. She bit his lip as he slowly finished, and she could feel his warm spunk between them.

They kept kissing, staying like that, their bodies taking in the moment. They felt each other's heart beats.

Molly took a deep breath in and smiled at Tate as she ruffled his short hair. They'd both gone and gotten haircuts right before the trip. Tate was a tight fade and trim while Molly had gone medium, straight Scarjo, as her dirty blond strands only fell just below her neck. She had curled it out and she looked sexy as all hell like that. She looked like she was ready for fun.

That's when she pushed Tate backwards onto the mattress. Molly carefully eased his sticky cock out of her messy pussy and then tantalizingly crawled up the sides of his body, peeling her yellow sundress off and throwing it to the floor. When she got to the sides of her husband's head, she lowered herself onto his mouth.

"Clean me up dirty boy," And Tate fell in love all over again. She squeezed her calves as her incredibly kinky man began to swirl his tongue into her folds, devouring his heavy shot of seed and making sure to slide past her clitoris on each new pass. He spent ten minutes licking his salty spunk from his wife's perfect pussy. Molly loved how he would spread her ass apart to get his tongue even further inside of her. She really had married the perfect sex partner. She grabbed his hair and held him in place as he licked her diligently.

Their kink for each other was so perfectly matched.

After bringing her to the brink of another orgasm, Tate stopped, and pushed Molly off of him, which made her moan in dismay. But he knew exactly what he was doing. They both did.

The edging game had already started.

"You wanna finish setting up our room and then we'll get into our suits and go snag some drinks by the pool?" He asked her. She stretched her body like a happy kitten on the bed and nodded a satisfied yes. She had just cum, on a crazy comfortable, king bed. The room smelled like sex and the desert heat.

They popped on the AC and Tate began to set up all the drinks and drugs they had brought for the weekend:

Tequila. Lagers. Jello shooters. Weed. Edibles. Molly. Poppers. Gatorade. Red Bull. Bags of chips.

They had thought of everything they were going to need. This had been such a long-time coming.

Molly meanwhile unpacked the suitcase that had been stuffed with of all of their sex toys and naughtier outfits. She placed all the toys on the bedside table next to their bed along with the lube and various other items of physical pleasure.

They put clothes away and turned the AC to the desired level so that the room would feel like a cool breeze when they stepped in from the heat.

Then they were off to pool. Molly went to the bar to get drinks while Tate scouted two chairs close enough for them to leave sandals and shirts-the universal sign of pool land claims. As Molly was walking back, Tate watched as numerous eyes were drawn to her sultry figure. She was wearing a pink and teal Victoria's Secret two piece that basically made her look like a juicy, summer fruit. The bathing suit amply showed off her incredible ass, that made small semi-circles as she walked slowly with their booze. The getup definitely brought attention to the fact that you could probably tell what kind of a girl she was in bed, and Tate loved that about her. She knew what she wanted. And she always got it. She was the fun girl. And she was his.

Tate was wearing a pair of smaller board shorts and Molly similarly loved to see the various guys and girls around the pool who admired her husband's muscular frame and boyish charms when he would walk past. He was effortless. She placed the bucket of lagers and the giant margarita down next to their lounge chairs, and they quickly unfurled towels.

A hot girl wearing a tiny, lime green bikini and simple ponytail, that worked for a tequila company, came by and offered them a free shot, which of course they gladly accepted. Everyone was going all out for this weekend it seemed.

After they clinked their chilled shots and licked their salty rims, they downed them while staring at each other in the face, ever challenging one another to who could do the cleaner shot. The girl took their picture and asked for permission to post it on the company's social media pages, which they gladly agreed to. You could post this version of them everywhere if you wanted.

"Andddd we're OFFICIALLY back." Tate said it as the last remaining invisible weights melted from his shoulders. "Damn that's good." He echoed.

"You could've honestly given me distilled motor oil and I probably would've been happy." Molly reasoned, and he agreed with that sentiment. The ambiance was a thousand percent.

Tate slipped into the pool first and the cool water cleansed him of those final droplets of pandemic stress. Molly followed right behind him with two cracked beers as she leapt from the side ladder into his arms. She spilled some suds down her chest on the landing and Tate simply leaned down to lick it off as it trickled between her breasts.

"We do not waste beer in this relationship." He stated nobly.

"Oh, I agree. If I could bend my mouth in that direction, I would've done the same thing."

"If 'that's what she said' was still a thing that people said, I would now say: that's what she said." And again they were laughing. They hadn't laughed this much since their first date. Or maybe ever.

He spun her around on his tip-toes as they nudged just past the five-foot mark of the y-shaped pool.

"Ahhhhhahhhahhh!" Molly mimicked the Little Mermaid song as he spun her around, which made a couple of people across the pool chuckle at them now.

She kissed him and then handed over his beer.

When she was firmly in his arms, they paused for a moment to smile at each other from behind their shades. Molly squealed a tiny bit.

"Oh fuck, I am so happy right now." Tate said.

"Agreed. This is every vibe I've ever needed."

The pool was connected to the hotel's super buzzy hotel bar 'The Amigo Room' which went from craft cocktail lounge to sexy dance lounge later on into the weekend nights. There was also a killer hangover diner from the property's original design and a coffee/bakery combo all lined up back-to-back, just off the hotel's front lobby. They had maintained the 50's architecture and turn-of-the-century art deco elements, while adding in all sorts of modern browns and tans and earthen tones that gave the distinctly Instagrammable motif that people seemed to enjoy so much.

Tate and Molly crushed their first beer fairly quickly and now, in the ease of the moment, they began to fall back into their favorite game:

People Watching.

They were leaning up against the side of the pool and cracking their next round when Molly snagged a giant pool noodle that was floating by, and wedged it between her thighs. Both of them had their best over-the-top stunner shades which allowed them to sidle up next to each other and make naughty comments about the various hotties they spotted around the pool.

"Super tan brunette, three o'clock." Tate offered up between sips. Molly's eyes zoomed over to the towel hut, where a girl in a burgundy two piece was grabbing towels. Her body was gorgeous, but there was a little too much pomp and circumstance going on.

"Sexy body...but I bet she only makes one sound in bed," Molly joked, as she ditched her floatie to stand in front of Tate and lean back into his chest as he did the same against the side of the pool.

"Totally. Hmmm, what about the guy by the corn-hole game?" Tate shifted their gaze back over towards the bar area which was surrounded by tables and air-misters and the popular bar game.

Molly immediately got excited as she looked at the guy. He was wearing black shorts and a tank top and his arms had a swimmer's muscularity to them. When he bent over to snag a bag for the next round she also noticed his gorgeous buns.

"Damn babe, yes. Definitely. I'd bend over for him. What about you? Do you think he's hot?" She pushed her ass back into his crotch under the water and he pulled her closer. Her soft skin felt even softer under the water.

"Mmmm, mayyyyybe. If you led me I think I would." Tate admitted and he could feel himself getting hard in the water as Molly continued to rub her round buns up against him. They kept the game going. Pointing out various girls and guys and who they would most like to fuck. They compared notes. They rated tattoos and haircuts and lips. They came up with backstories and tried to guess if they were there to relax, or if they were there for similarly devious reasons. Who was hiding secrets. Who was playing hooky.

They had talked for months about where they were going to pick back up on their sexual bucket list that they'd made on that fateful honeymoon night. Those long quarantine days trapped in their apartment had allowed them to play out all the possible avenues they could choose, when they finally got the chance to explore again.

A threesome had definitely been at the top of their list. As soon as the government announcements had been made and they were able to book their vacation, they made a pact that they'd spend their second night in town looking to invite someone back to their room, but rather than try to set something up ahead of time through the exhausting world of apps...they were simply going to let the flow of the weekend take them. They were ready to flirt. Ready to mingle. Ready to stand close to new people who weren't wearing masks. The modern world had come roaring back.

Molly turned and leaned in to make out with Tate. Now they both knew people would be checking them out. They were arguably one of the hottest couples at the pool and they'd both noticed roaming eyes since they'd gotten in. It was early afternoon and the crowd was starting to get more full and the pool was starting to get more packed and more people were dancing and more people were getting drunk and everyone was happy to turn off the invisible six-foot barrier.

It felt like everyone was forgetting together. It was marvelous.

They spent a while longer at the pool before deciding to head back to the room for some afternoon fun and a perfectly rolled joint.

Their upstairs patio couldn't have been placed at a better spot, because it allowed them a place to let their dank smoke drift away from the room, but also placed them directly above the pool where they could spy the appropriate times to head down and possibly meet people.

They cracked open some chilled waters and passed the freshly-lit joint back and forth as the DJ changed over to a funkier style. Evening was fast approaching and the music was underscoring the necessary change in mood. It was amazing how much could be accomplished with an evolving bassline. They truly loved this hotel.

Tate ordered some munching apps from the hotel bar and then joined Molly in the bathroom as she turned on the shower. They squeezed in together and began to playfully fondle each other.

They were stoned and in love. They had lazy sex in the hot stream that felt more like a slow dance. Neither of them came. They were just happy. He stayed inside of her as he washed her. She did the same for him.

They scarfed down their hummus platter and nachos when they arrived, overtipped the room service, and then took a blissful nap to recharge for that evening. It felt good to stretch out on king-sized hotel sheets that they wouldn't have to worry about making or washing.

It was nice to smell new smells and be somewhere exciting again. They slept like babies for a two glorious hours.

It was just before eight when they woke up and, magically, as the desert was wont to do, the sun was still setting, casting an apricot glow over the whole resort property-like a photo being slowly exposed.

Molly woke up with her head on Tate's chest. They were both naked. She brought her head up and cuddled into his nook. He tousled her hair and she kissed him.

"Wanna get all dressed up and go flirt and dance and shit?" Tate asked her, and Molly got a big grin on her face.

"Bayyybeeeeee!" She squealed, in a purposefully exaggerated way. "What a marvelous thing to wake up to."

They liked having a good time.

Tate made them both shots while Molly started to get ready. Just a little makeup and a sexy romper would do for her, while Tate wore shorts and

a short-sleeved button up that showed off his arms. He licked lime juice off his thumb as he finished the chilled tequila shooters and poured them into the two hotel water glasses.

Molly was a dirty-blonde-golden-haired nymph and when she curled her hair out to the side she looked exactly like Charlize Theron from Atomic Blonde. She even did her makeup in a similarly dark, sexy way.

"God, you will never understand how fucking hot you are, babe." Tate moaned as, as he watched her putting the finishing touches on. She winked at him in the mirror and she pursed her lips to finish applying a gloss.

"Oh honey, yes I do. But especially because you always tell me how beautiful I am. Which I fucking love. It was one of the first things I fell in love with...the way you always built me up." She put the iron in the sink and turned around to kiss him tenderly. He squeezed her round ass in the cotton romper which felt thinner than his blood vessels. It was just too sexy not to squeeze every chance he got.

"Mmmm...I'm gonna give you a really great blowjob tonight," she said suddenly determined. And now it was Tate's turn to squirm in excitement.

They grabbed a keycard and shared chapstick and headed back down to the pool area.

It was officially nighttime and the pool deck had become the chill, drinking patio that people spilled out onto when they wanted to get away from the much more festive Amigo Room, where the tables had been pushed to the walls in favor of an open dance floor. This wasn't your thousand person club. It was one hundred people next to a killer bar with barely any space to move and all the damn charm that you never got out of the bigger city operations. It was the kind of club you had to be okay with bumping elbows. And everyone finally could.

You could smell the sweat and the body wash, and the recently consumed breath mints. The scent of suntan creams blotted the air-conditioned air with various levels of SPF rating. And then of course there was the weed. It hung in occasional clouds like the official herb of their return to paradise.

"Shot and a tequila soda?" Tate asked for the thousandth time in their bar-hopping relationship. Molly did a happy bounce beside him as she got into the music and they were able to stalk a couple who were just paying out. They slipped right into the newly-exited bar stools and began their journey to getting back to the appropriate levels of vacation tipsy.

Sitting at the bar, they immediately loved the groove of the nighttime DJ's lesser known lineup.

"Goddamn, this is everything I've ever wanted. I feel like I'm in adult Disneyland right now." Molly started to bob her head as a suspendered bartender handed over their four drinks, limes on a napkin.

"Ready babe?" Tate asked his sultry wife. She took the glass from him and they clinked with intention, before jumping back down one of their absolute favorite rabbit holes: tequila and dancing and foreplay.

"Mmmm, that was a pretty smooth well," she intoned, interlocking her knees with Tate's strong legs. He ran a hand up her smooth skin, freshly-shaven from the night before, and rested it on her upper thigh, which she loved every time he did it.

There were so many things to look at, but they couldn't help but stare at each other. This giant part of who they were had finally returned and the great anxiety monster that had ruled their life for a year was finally vanquished in a modern feat of scientific engineering. Thanks to a lab in Sweden no less.

"I'd like to do a toast." Tate said suddenly, affecting a proper voice.

"Oh, yes, yes, of course! Our first toast of the weekend...go ahead my dear," she played along cutely. This was a bit they did.

"I'd like to formerly toast the entire country of Sweden...who's vaccine basically allowed us to be here today and who will indirectly be the reason we get to do amazing drugs tomorrow night and maybe find someone really sexy for us to get naked with."

"Hear! Hear!" Molly giggled in rapt agreement. "To show our support...we'll buy a shitty Ikea desk with a bunch of extra screws."

"I'm always a fan of extra screws." He corny-smiled back at her, as he leaned in and kissed her icy lips-fresh from another sip.

They did another cheers with their highballs and gulped their zesty go-to's like they were ready to get things flowing.

"Speaking of which, how fucking excited are you to roll tomorrow night? This will be our first time since Disney!"

"Mmmm, yeah...fuck that was an amazing night." Tate looked upward in thought, fondly remembering the warm, fall evening they'd spent walking around the greatest place on earth with their body's two feet off the ground.

"Do you remember how amazing the Pooh ride was?"

"EDC has nothing on neon caves full of Heffalumps and Woozles." They both laughed at that. Molly got more quick-witted the more she drank. There were very few girls that could keep up the way she could. Tate loved that about their relationship-the friendly competitiveness that underscored everything. She usually was the one filling in his sentences when he became too intoxicated to maintain decorum.

"I completely agree. Also...to get back to your question I am SO. FUCKING. EXCITED." It's all I could think about at work this week. I'm like...stupidly hyped about it. We're gonna make out all night long. We're gonna take a shower and use all our toys and hopefully have some very naughty fun." He rubbed his hand along the inside of her leg to the hem of her high romper short.

"I know...I'm so excited to connect with you again like that. Also, I'm really excited for us to get back to our super kinky selves. I think we can definitely find someone to have fun with tomorrow and check off our next box on the list." They nodded agreement and gave each other a knowing look. They were about as on the same page as two people could be about something. They were ready to be crazy together.

"So was everyone at your office talking about where they were going on vacation? Because that's all my office could talk about." Molly queried.

The official 'Masks Off Day,' as the public had coined it, had come the day before, and everyone in the country just about, had been making their various plans for where they'd be going. Tate was lucky enough to have a friend that knew a guy who had gotten the info about the mask change policy a little early, and with that info Tate had immediately called the resort to make them a room reservation. It was kismet. They had snagged one of the last rooms. Clearly the word was getting out. Good news traveled fast.

Now here they were, smack dab in the middle of a killer bar with a DJ shaking spinal cords as girls popped asses and everyone danced and shuffled with expressions of release plastered across their face. The Israelites were wandering no more...they were finding themselves (strangely, for the sake of this metaphor, still in the desert). And now they were all wanton Philistines.

"Sexy tattooed bartender, 10:00," Molly said suddenly, referencing the tattoo-covered beauty making drinks at the other end of the bar in the well.

"Fuckkkk," Tate agreed.

"Double fuck," Molly chewed the straw in her drink as she felt a rush of excitement in her shorts. It was exactly the type of girl Molly was into. Exactly the type of girl she'd love to be dominated by.

"I could definitely see that girl pushing you up against a wall and fingering you while you made out," Tate knew what he was doing. Molly had told Tate about her fantasy of playing with a girl in a public setting like that-maybe even being fingered somewhere that people could pass by and see. The idea of being dominated by a girl was something that very much appealed to her.

"Babbbeeee ughhhh, you're making me wet." Molly whined, but not really. She loved getting wet while talking about sex in public. It was a serious kink. Molly had had some experimental lesbian fun in college but it was very fumbly and long before she had settled into her sexual comfort zone. Now she wanted to experience it again in full, both with and without her hot husband. The sky was the limit.

"Guy, just walked in, black shirt, scruffy hair." Tate said, and threw up a peace sign to the passing bartender to indicate another round as the ice pinged to announce it's arrival at the bottom of their glasses. Molly turned demurely toward the door to make it look as if she was just doing an entire scan of the dance floor. A tan-skinned man at the head of a group glided into the room looking like a mysterious Bond character in one of the more alluring Daniel Craig entries.

"Ya see," she said, turning back to Tate in excitement, "that is the exact kind of guy I think you and I would fucking cum soooo much with," and Tate felt his half-hard cock bounce with excitement at that sentence.

They still didn't know if they'd be hooking up with a girl or a guy for their first threesome together. All they knew is that they weren't going to be deterred. They were at a resort that was 95 percent people 20-30 years old in age, and everyone had the additional buoyancy of a newfound freedom-this should be like taking Woodstock bellbottoms from a liberated Bryn Mawr slut.

"Wanna do another shot?" Molly asked with that confident grin, and of course the answer was yes. The bartender was close enough to hear the convo as he dropped off their drinks and immediately whipped up two more tequila's into their tiny, glass, silos of happy.

"Cheers to the lucky duck who gets to take our threesome cherry tomorrow night," she said, and Tate clinked more vigorously than usual as they easily downed their second salvo.

"This is SUCH a smooth tequila for the well," she repeated even more incredulously this time.

"Mrs. Bohaven...it's not the well. It's the 1942." Tate slapped her knees.

"Well, well, WELL, Mr. Bohaven. I should've known you'd be up to your old shenanigans. I can't believe we're shooting top shelf tequila...I mean...I can, but still..."

"It's for a worthy cause I'd say." Tate parried.

"Oh. YES. It most certainly is. I think if we ever deserve to tap into that savings account...it's this weekend."

"I plan to do a lot of tapping this weekend," he didn't miss a beat.

"Oh baby...and maybe you'll be getting tapped." She reached further below the bar to squeeze his cock through his shorts as she gave him a coy wink. And now he was hard again. It was very possible he might be experiencing his first real cock soon. The idea was exhilarating.

"I'm gonna go pee," she said suddenly, as she hopped down from the high barstool as her butt swayed in the thin jumper. She was tipsy already and so was Tate, which made them both immensely more flirtatious. He and a few other roaming eyes watched her disappear across the dance floor towards the lobby in her low-cut, high-heeled boots, dancing the whole way and even stopping to groove for a second with a crowd of people who were probably the drunkest group there.

While she was gone, Tate was approached by a girl with green eyes and dark, brunette hair. Her soft, white skin was like rose porcelain. She introduced herself to him immediately with an offered hand. The act of shaking hands seemed suddenly more special than it once had.

"Anyone sitting here?" She asked cutely. She was wearing a white skirt and an olive green tank top that showed off the most natural set of breasts imaginable. They were so succulent Tate felt like he could fall safely into them from a great height. He averted his eyes quickly, but he was already caught in the act. She didn't seem to mind. She straightened her posture even more to press them out to him.

"Yeah...my wife actually." He said, and he noticed as she started to turn away, already having snagged a refill on her last drink, which may have been her only intent to begin with.

"That's too bad," she started to leave.

"Butttttt, you should take my chair!" Tate interjected immediately. "And I'll stand...my wife would love to meet you I think." He said quite confidently. He knew she would, too.

"Oh really?" The girl replied in surprise, a pique of curiosity in her voice.

"Yeah...totally," Tate confirmed with his easy smile, and he spotted Molly dancing as she walked back across the floor. He caught her gaze as she approached and she was already tickled at the scene. "Oh...speaking of which...this is my marvelous wife, Molly."

"Hi! Molly said brightly, as the girl sat back down on Molly's chair and Tate got up so Molly could take his spot. The girls were facing each other, their bare legs almost touching as they extended hands to one another. They were both sizing each other up and each appeared to like what they see.

"Hi! I'm Sadie." She said, with a confidence that Tate recognized in Molly's typical verve. Already the wheels inside his head were spinning with ideas.

"And I'm Tate," he suddenly offered, realizing he'd never said his name. He had a charm that was instantly affable.

"Well Tate and Molly, it is VERY nice to meet you both," and there was a definite sort of naughty in the girls eyes that had captivated them both.

"I hope my husband wasn't using any lame pick-up lines on you...I tend to be the one with all the game in this relationship." She purposefully ribbed.

"Excuse me??" Tate playfully protested back.

"Ugh, ya know, I wasn't going to say anything...but he did ask me if it had hurt...ya know...when I fell from heaven." Sadie was obviously joking now, but she was quick and Tate was immediately smitten. Molly mock-gasped at Tate, as she crossed her legs to match Sadie's and their feet bumped gently.

"I most certainly did not, nor would I ever stoop to such depravity." He included the last part on purpose. They both knew it too.

"Depravity is probably the number one thing on your Tinder account." Molly joked, and there was the window. But Sadie wasn't biting just yet.

"You guys are super cute." She said instead. "What are you doing in Palm Springs? Enjoying the end of the Westeros winter like everyone else?"

"No one enjoyed the end of the Westeros winter, first of all." Tate started, pretending to push up fake glasses as he took another sip. The girls laughed.

"Amen to that!" Sadie proffered.

"Long live the queen," Molly finished in solemn conclusion. And they smacked the bar-top together, like old fishermen agreeing on a rough season.

"But yes, absolutely. We are here to get back to our heathen ways and not have to worry about making beds all at the same time."

"That is a perfect way to sum up my intentions as well." Sadie said, eyeing both of them and taking in the fact that they were both hot and both definitely checking her out. The conversation was ridiculously fun and already suggestive.

"Are you here with a group or...? Molly asked, purposefully leaving it open.

"Actually I'm here with my husband, but he's finishing up in the room...he should be down soon I think." Tate was surprised to hear that. It had seemed like Sadie was flirting with them...but then, maybe she still was? Which would mean...

Molly shot Tate a raised eyebrow when Sadie turned her head for a moment.

The thick had plottened.

"So, Sadie...I'm sorry if this is super forward..." Molly began, and Tate couldn't believe she was going for it. "We think you're super sexy." And even Molly seemed a little nervous as she said it, even through the fog of alcohol confidence.

Sadie immediately smiled the biggest smile and wiggled a little in her seat. "Oh my GODDD you guys are sooo attractive...I'm so glad you said that just now." And now they were all laughing a bit more convivially.

"Are you guys..." Sadie started, but Tate stepped in this time.

"Looking for some kinky fun this weekend? Yes, yes we are."

Sadie turned to look at Tate as she wrinkled her nose and took another big sip of her drink.

"This is fucking crazy," she smiled at them both.

"Which part?" Tate asked again.

"Well..." Sadie began, but she was suddenly interrupted by a striking 6'2 guy that looked like he had stepped right off of a Lacrosse calendar shoot.

"Hey babe," he nudged her as she leaned over excitedly and gave him a big kiss. Tate and Molly continued to feel like they were in some weird fantasy. He was gorgeous too. His arms were covered in butterfly tattoos and his short sleeve button-up was barely tucked into his jeans. He was laid back and put together at the same time. He looked like the kind of guy that could go up to just about anyone at a bar and start up a conversation.

"Baby! There you are! You have to meet my amazing new friends. This is Molly and Tate," she motioned to us as he took us in. "And you guys, THIS is my stupidly good-looking husband, Roger." She said with a Price is Right flourish. They were both equal parts sexy and adorable. Roger looked like a Navy fly-boy and Sadie was simply the pin-up girl that had taken a turn for cabaret and sex parties. He had to have been in his late 20's, while Sadie looked to be a few years younger.

"But you guys can just call me Rog. Honestly...I prefer not to sound like a guy that shops at Brooks Brothers."

They all laughed. Then Tate added in: "Yes, well, I might own like...one tie from there." And now they were really laughing.

The next ten minutes of their conversation went exactly like this. They vibed immediately. The girls got to know each other and the boys did the same. They eventually circled back around to what they'd previously been talking about when Roger had first walked up.

"So...wait...I believe Sadie, that you were about to tell me what kinda fun you and Rog were looking for this weekend?" She teased her drink straw between her teeth and Sadie flushed a little, but did not wilt from the moment.

"Ahhh, right, well..." She looked over to Roger, who was now buying another drink for himself to catch up, and he happily gave her a ready nod. "We wanna seduce another couple back to our room," she said firmly. And it was the truth. They really were looking.

Molly looked at Tate and he looked back at her like they were stuck in some sort of ridiculous Twilight Zone episode. This was all too convenient. There had to be a but coming.

But it never did. They were incredulously horny.

"You guys are very sexy...and you should know that Tate and I are actually looking for something very similar. We originally said we wanted to have a threesome this weekend...but, I think we'd gladly upgrade that to a foursome if you guys were interested in having some fun."

Tate loved how forward his wife was. He brought a hand down her bar stool and rubbed her butt through the gap.

"I think we need more drinks, that's what I think." Roger suggested, and soon they were carrying another round of tequila shots and four more cocktails outside to find a table where they could hear each other talk better. They settled on something close enough to still hear the amazing DJ through the large, open windows (the bar was an indoor/outdoor setup), where some people were even dancing outdoors. Nearby, cornhole and ping pong and giant jenga were all underway. There were ten or so stragglers that swam in the warm night pool, and ten more enjoying the spa beyond that. Also dotting the lounge chairs were various lovers and couples and groups of friends not-so-surreptitiously striking up joints and talking about the nature of life as it existed again.

"Okay...so I get the feeling our conversation is about to level up...so I'd like to propose a toast," Roger started, raising his lime-rimmed tequila shooter up to the group. They were arranged girl-boy-girl-boy, and they all brought their drinks up to join him.

"I can't believe you guys also do pretentious toasts out of nowhere. Who are you????" Molly giggled and Tate could see her obvious excitement from having met these new friends. She was digging them both.

"To meeting new people, and experiencing new things, while drunk in the desert! Cheers!" He announced.

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